abi.ninja copied to clipboard
allow json strings in array
So currently if we cannot pass the json objects is strings to array. Example when contract expects and string[]
For example : ['{"ford": "gray"}']
Here is the demo how it should work :
In SE-2:
Past in YourContract.sol :
*Submitted for verification at Arbiscan.io on 2024-02-25
*Submitted for verification at sepolia-optimism.etherscan.io on 2023-12-27
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// by besta.pe
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "hardhat/console.sol";
contract YourContract {
function KeyValue(
string[] calldata key,
string[] calldata value,
bool newKeysOnly
) external {
// log the args
console.log("Setting new greeting '%s' from %s", key[0], value[0]);
uint count;
Change = false;
Replace = true;
if (key.length != value.length) {
revert KeyValueNotBijective();
if (newKeysOnly) {
Replace = false;
while (count < key.length) {
addKeyValue(key[count], value[count]);
if (!Change) {
revert NoChange();
// TODO:
function JSON() public view returns (string memory) {
if (KeyCountPlus1 == 0) {
revert NoKey();
uint count;
string memory json = "{";
while (count < KeyCountPlus1) {
string memory key = keyIndex[count].key;
uint version = keyIndex[count].version;
string memory value = keyValue[key][version].value;
json = string.concat(json, '"', key, '":"', value, '"');
if (count < KeyCountPlus1 - 1) {
json = string.concat(json, ",");
return string.concat(json, "}");
function LatestVersion(string calldata key) public view returns (uint) {
uint count;
if (KeyCountPlus1 == 0) {
revert NoKey();
while (count < KeyCountPlus1) {
if (
keccak256(bytes(key)) == keccak256(bytes(keyIndex[count].key))
) {
return keyIndex[count].version;
revert NoKey();
function TotalKeys() public view returns (uint) {
if (KeyCountPlus1 == 0) {
revert NoKey();
return KeyCountPlus1;
function Value(
string calldata key,
uint version
) public view returns (string memory) {
string memory value = keyValue[key][version].value;
if (keccak256(bytes(value)) == keccak256(bytes(""))) {
revert NoValue();
return value;
function addKey(string calldata key) internal {
keyIndex[KeyCountPlus1 - 1] = keyMap(key, 0);
function addKeyValue(string calldata key, string calldata value) internal {
if (keccak256(bytes(key)) == keccak256(bytes(""))) {
revert NoKey();
if (keccak256(bytes(value)) == keccak256(bytes(""))) {
revert NoValue();
(uint index, uint version) = newKeyTest(key);
if (version > 0) {
if (
keccak256(bytes(value)) ==
keccak256(bytes(keyValue[key][version - 1].value))
) {
keyIndex[index].version += 1;
keyValue[key][version] = versionMap(value);
Change = true;
function newKeyTest(string calldata key) internal returns (uint, uint) {
uint count;
while (count < KeyCountPlus1) {
if (
keccak256(bytes(key)) == keccak256(bytes(keyIndex[count].key))
) {
if (!Replace) {
revert NewKeysOnly();
return (count, keyIndex[count].version + 1);
Change = true;
return (0, 0);
mapping(uint => keyMap) private keyIndex;
mapping(string => mapping(uint => versionMap)) private keyValue;
struct versionMap {
string value;
struct keyMap {
string key;
uint version;
error KeyValueNotBijective();
error NewKeysOnly();
error NoChange();
error NoKey();
error NotAdmin();
error NoValue();
bool Change;
uint KeyCountPlus1;
bool Replace;
constructor() {}
Update deploy script to remove passing of first argumen.
yarn deploy
And now copy the address and abi in abi.ninja
Will create a PR in SE-2 so that we could test