cariboulite copied to clipboard
SIGSEGV: memory access violation
Has anyone figured this out yet? I cant open any apps. I was able to open CubicSDR the other day but not now QGRX crashes instantly
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo CubicSDR Loaded 262 rig models via hamlib.
RtApiPulse::DeviceInfo pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused
RtApiAlsa::getDeviceInfo: snd_pcm_open error for device (default), No such file or directory.
Audio Device #0 default Default Output? No Default Input? No Input channels: 0 Output channels: 10000 Duplex channels: 0 Native formats: 8-bit signed integer. 16-bit signed integer. 24-bit signed integer. 32-bit signed integer. 32-bit float normalized between plus/minus 1.0. 64-bit float normalized between plus/minus 1.0. Supported sample rates: 4000hz 5512hz 8000hz 9600hz 11025hz 16000hz 22050hz 32000hz 44100hz 48000hz 88200hz 96000hz 176400hz 192000hz
Audio Device #1 hw:bcm2835 HDMI 1,0 Default Output? No Default Input? No Input channels: 0 Output channels: 8 Duplex channels: 0 Native formats: 16-bit signed integer. Supported sample rates: 8000hz 9600hz 11025hz 16000hz 22050hz 32000hz 44100hz 48000hz 88200hz 96000hz 176400hz 192000hz
Audio Device #2 hw:bcm2835 HDMI 1,1 Default Output? No Default Input? No Input channels: 0 Output channels: 2 Duplex channels: 0 Native formats: 16-bit signed integer. Supported sample rates: 44100hz 48000hz
Audio Device #3 hw:bcm2835 Headphones,0 Default Output? No Default Input? No Input channels: 0 Output channels: 8 Duplex channels: 0 Native formats: 16-bit signed integer. Supported sample rates: 8000hz 9600hz 11025hz 16000hz 22050hz 32000hz 44100hz 48000hz 88200hz 96000hz 176400hz 192000hz
SDR enumerator starting.
SoapySDR init..
API Version: v0.8.0
ABI Version: v0.8
Install root: /usr
Loading modules...
[INFO] SoapyCaribouliteSession, sessionCount: 0
02-07 20:15:17.086 8009 8047 I FPGA caribou_fpga_program_to_fpga@caribou_fpga.c:209 FPGA already operational - not programming (use 'force_prog=true' to force update)
02-07 20:15:17.086 8009 8047 E CARIBOU_SMI caribou_smi_init@caribou_smi.c:539 couldn't open smi driver file '/dev/smi' (No such file or directory)
02-07 20:15:17.086 8009 8047 E CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_init_submodules@cariboulite_setup.c:288 Error setting up smi submodule
02-07 20:15:17.088 8009 8047 I CARIBOU_PROG caribou_prog_release@caribou_prog.c:122 device release completed
02-07 20:15:17.088 8009 8047 E FPGA caribou_fpga_close@caribou_fpga.c:246 caribou_fpga_close: dev not initialized
[ERROR] cariboulite_init_driver() failed
Available factories...Cariboulite, airspy, airspyhf, bladerf, hackrf, lime, miri, null, osmosdr, plutosdr, redpitaya, remote, rfspace, rtlsdr, sdrplay, uhd
Printing 'findCariboulite' Request:
shm_open: No such file or directory
[ERROR] sdrplay_api_Open() Error: sdrplay_api_Fail
[ERROR] Please check the sdrplay_api service to make sure it is up. If it is up, please restart it.
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.3.0; Boost_107400; UHD_4.1.0.5-0-unknown
Available vertical sync SwapInterval functions:
glxSwapIntervalEXT: Yes
DRI2SwapInterval: No
glxSwapIntervalMESA: Yes
glxSwapIntervalSGI: Yes
Using glxSwapIntervalEXT.
Loaded font 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' from '/usr/share/cubicsdr/fonts/vera_sans_mono12_0.png', parsed 255 characters.
Loaded font 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' from '/usr/share/cubicsdr/fonts/vera_sans_mono16_0.png', parsed 255 characters.
Loaded font 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' from '/usr/share/cubicsdr/fonts/vera_sans_mono18_0.png', parsed 255 characters.
[ERROR] SoapySDR::Device::enumerate(sdrplay) sdrplay_api_Open() failed
channel = S1G
device_id = 0
driver = Cariboulite
label = CaribouLite S1G[ef655c0e]
name = CaribouLite RPI Hat
serial = ef655c0e
uuid = 52ab1103-0240-4f80-a759-7516817371f7
vendor = CaribouLabs LTD
version = 0x0001
Make device 0
Printing 'findCariboulite' Request:
{channel: S1G}
{device_id: 0}
{driver: Cariboulite}
{label: CaribouLite S1G[ef655c0e]}
{name: CaribouLite RPI Hat}
{serial: ef655c0e}
{uuid: 52ab1103-0240-4f80-a759-7516817371f7}
{vendor: CaribouLabs LTD}
{version: 0x0001}
[INFO] Initializing DeviceID: 0, Label: CaribouLite S1G[ef655c0e], ChannelType: S1G
soapy_sighandler caught SIGSEGV
[INFO] soapy_sighandler killing soapy_cariboulite (cariboulite_release_driver)
02-07 20:15:18.443 8009 8047 E FPGA caribou_fpga_close@caribou_fpga.c:246 caribou_fpga_close: dev not initialized
02-07 20:15:18.443 8009 8047 E CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_release_submodules@cariboulite_setup.c:465 FPGA communication release failed (-1)
02-07 20:15:18.444 8009 8047 E IO_UTILS_SPI io_utils_spi_close@io_utils_spi.c:340 closing uninitialized device
CaribouLite: Signal [11] received from pid=[968]
Signal [11] caught, with the following information:
signal errno = 0
signal process pid = 968
signal process uid = 0
signal status = 0
signal errno / SIGSEGV / the process access invalid region of memory
SIGSEGV: memory access violation
soapy_sighandler caught SIGSEGV
[INFO] soapy_sighandler killing soapy_cariboulite (cariboulite_release_driver)
CaribouLite: Signal [11] received from pid=[-1993413121]
Signal [11] caught, with the following information:
signal errno = 0
signal process pid = -1993413121
signal process uid = 65536
signal status = 0
signal errno / SIGSEGV / the process access invalid region of memory
SIGSEGV: memory access violation
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo nano /etc/rc.local
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ gqrx
gr-osmosdr (0.2.0) gnuradio
built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy airspyhf soapy redpitaya
rx_nb_cc :info: set_min_output_buffer on block 10 to 32768
Resampling audio 96000 -> 48000
BandPlanFile is /home/ubuntu/.config/gqrx/bandplan.csv
BookmarksFile is /home/ubuntu/.config/gqrx/bookmarks.csv
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.3.0; Boost_107400; UHD_4.1.0.5-0-unknown
[INFO] SoapyCaribouliteSession, sessionCount: 0
CaribouLite: Signal [11] received from pid=[16]
Signal [11] caught, with the following information:
signal errno = 0
signal process pid = 16
signal process uid = 0
signal status = 0
signal errno / SIGSEGV / the process access invalid region of memory
SIGSEGV: memory access violation
@ImDroided can't use sudo, not sure it solves it anyway, sudo breaks pulseaudio unless you run it for the whole system, which isn't default.
this issue is: 02-07 20:15:17.086 8009 8047 E CARIBOU_SMI caribou_smi_init@caribou_smi.c:539 couldn't open smi driver file '/dev/smi' (No such file or directory) 02-07 20:15:17.086 8009 8047 E CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_init_submodules@cariboulite_setup.c:288 Error setting up smi submodule
try putting in config.txt these lines after the rest of them and reboot: dtoverlay=smi dtoverlay=smi-dev
didnt work
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ CubicSDR Loading:: configuration file '/home/ubuntu/.CubicSDR/config.xml' Loaded 262 rig models via hamlib.
Audio Device #0 Built-in Audio Stereo Default Output? Yes Default Input? No Input channels: 0 Output channels: 2 Duplex channels: 0 Native formats: 16-bit signed integer. 24-bit signed integer. 32-bit signed integer. 32-bit float normalized between plus/minus 1.0. Supported sample rates: 8000hz 16000hz 22050hz 32000hz 44100hz 48000hz 96000hz 192000hz
Audio Device #1 Monitor of Built-in Audio Stereo Default Output? No Default Input? Yes Input channels: 2 Output channels: 0 Duplex channels: 0 Native formats: 16-bit signed integer. 24-bit signed integer. 32-bit signed integer. 32-bit float normalized between plus/minus 1.0. Supported sample rates: 8000hz 16000hz 22050hz 32000hz 44100hz 48000hz 96000hz 192000hz
SDR enumerator starting.
SoapySDR init..
API Version: v0.8.0
ABI Version: v0.8
Install root: /usr
Loading modules...
[INFO] SoapyCaribouliteSession, sessionCount: 0
02-07 21:04:59.903 3565 3594 I CARIBOU_PROG caribou_prog_configure_from_buffer@caribou_prog.c:260 Sending bitstream of size 32220
02-07 21:05:01.539 3565 3594 I CARIBOU_PROG caribou_prog_configure_from_buffer@caribou_prog.c:292 FPGA programming - Success!
02-07 21:05:01.640 3565 3594 E CARIBOU_SMI caribou_smi_init@caribou_smi.c:539 couldn't open smi driver file '/dev/smi' (No such file or directory)
02-07 21:05:01.640 3565 3594 E CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_init_submodules@cariboulite_setup.c:288 Error setting up smi submodule
02-07 21:05:01.642 3565 3594 I CARIBOU_PROG caribou_prog_release@caribou_prog.c:122 device release completed
02-07 21:05:01.642 3565 3594 E FPGA caribou_fpga_close@caribou_fpga.c:246 caribou_fpga_close: dev not initialized
[ERROR] cariboulite_init_driver() failed
Available factories...Cariboulite, airspy, airspyhf, bladerf, hackrf, lime, miri, null, osmosdr, plutosdr, redpitaya, remote, rfspace, rtlsdr, sdrplay, uhd
Printing 'findCariboulite' Request:
shm_open: No such file or directory
[ERROR] sdrplay_api_Open() Error: sdrplay_api_Fail
[ERROR] Please check the sdrplay_api service to make sure it is up. If it is up, please restart it.
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.3.0; Boost_107400; UHD_4.1.0.5-0-unknown
Available vertical sync SwapInterval functions:
glxSwapIntervalEXT: Yes
DRI2SwapInterval: No
glxSwapIntervalMESA: Yes
glxSwapIntervalSGI: Yes
Using glxSwapIntervalEXT.
Loaded font 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' from '/usr/share/cubicsdr/fonts/vera_sans_mono12_0.png', parsed 255 characters.
Loaded font 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' from '/usr/share/cubicsdr/fonts/vera_sans_mono16_0.png', parsed 255 characters.
Loaded font 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' from '/usr/share/cubicsdr/fonts/vera_sans_mono18_0.png', parsed 255 characters.
Loaded font 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' from '/usr/share/cubicsdr/fonts/vera_sans_mono24_0.png', parsed 255 characters.
Loaded font 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' from '/usr/share/cubicsdr/fonts/vera_sans_mono27_0.png', parsed 255 characters.
[ERROR] SoapySDR::Device::enumerate(sdrplay) sdrplay_api_Open() failed
channel = S1G
device_id = 0
driver = Cariboulite
label = CaribouLite S1G[ef655c0e]
name = CaribouLite RPI Hat
serial = ef655c0e
uuid = 52ab1103-0240-4f80-a759-7516817371f7
vendor = CaribouLabs LTD
version = 0x0001
Make device 0
Printing 'findCariboulite' Request:
{channel: S1G}
{device_id: 0}
{driver: Cariboulite}
{label: CaribouLite S1G[ef655c0e]}
{name: CaribouLite RPI Hat}
{serial: ef655c0e}
{uuid: 52ab1103-0240-4f80-a759-7516817371f7}
{vendor: CaribouLabs LTD}
{version: 0x0001}
[INFO] Initializing DeviceID: 0, Label: CaribouLite S1G[ef655c0e], ChannelType: S1G
soapy_sighandler caught SIGSEGV
[INFO] soapy_sighandler killing soapy_cariboulite (cariboulite_release_driver)
02-07 21:05:03.385 3565 3594 E FPGA caribou_fpga_close@caribou_fpga.c:246 caribou_fpga_close: dev not initialized
02-07 21:05:03.385 3565 3594 E CARIBOULITE Setup cariboulite_release_submodules@cariboulite_setup.c:465 FPGA communication release failed (-1)
02-07 21:05:03.385 3565 3594 E IO_UTILS_SPI io_utils_spi_close@io_utils_spi.c:340 closing uninitialized device
CaribouLite: Signal [11] received from pid=[968]
Signal [11] caught, with the following information:
signal errno = 0
signal process pid = 968
signal process uid = 0
signal status = 0
signal errno / SIGSEGV / the process access invalid region of memory
SIGSEGV: memory access violation
LLVM ERROR: Do not know how to expand the result of this operator!
soapy_sighandler caught SIGABRT
[INFO] soapy_sighandler killing soapy_cariboulite (cariboulite_release_driver)
CaribouLite: Signal [6] received from pid=[3565]
Signal [6] caught, with the following information:
signal errno = 0
signal process pid = 3565
signal process uid = 1000
signal status = 0
signal errno / tkill / tgkill sent the signal
SIGABRT: sent by abort() command
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ gqrx
gr-osmosdr (0.2.0) gnuradio
built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy airspyhf soapy redpitaya
rx_nb_cc :info: set_min_output_buffer on block 10 to 32768
Resampling audio 96000 -> 48000
BandPlanFile is /home/ubuntu/.config/gqrx/bandplan.csv
BookmarksFile is /home/ubuntu/.config/gqrx/bookmarks.csv
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.3.0; Boost_107400; UHD_4.1.0.5-0-unknown
[INFO] SoapyCaribouliteSession, sessionCount: 0
CaribouLite: Signal [11] received from pid=[16]
Signal [11] caught, with the following information:
signal errno = 0
signal process pid = 16
signal process uid = 0
signal status = 0
signal errno / SIGSEGV / the process access invalid region of memory
SIGSEGV: memory access violation
initramfs initrd.img followkernel
# Enable the audio output, I2C and SPI interfaces on the GPIO header. As these
# parameters related to the base device-tree they must appear *before* any
# other dtoverlay= specification
# Comment out the following line if the edges of the desktop appear outside
# the edges of your display
# uncomment this if your display has a black border of unused pixels visible
# and your display can output without overscan
# If you have issues with audio, you may try uncommenting the following line
# which forces the HDMI output into HDMI mode instead of DVI (which doesn't
# support audio output)
#Next is for headless usage only (no HDMI connected) and 1080P resolution
# Enable the USB2 outputs on the IO board (assuming your CM4 is plugged into
# such a board)
# Enable the KMS ("full" KMS) graphics overlay, leaving GPU memory as the
# default (the kernel is in control of graphics memory with full KMS)
#Comment the below line for headless usage
# Autoload overlays for any recognized cameras or displays that are attached
# to the CSI/DSI ports. Please note this is for libcamera support, *not* for
# the legacy camera stack
# Config settings specific to arm64
# Enable the PCIe External connector.
# This line is an alias for above (you can use either/or to enable the port).
Dont know why but fresh install with normal config.txt edit and THIS_MODULE delete CubicSDR now works but gqrx is still a mem access error.
@ImDroided i see the same, even though adding those overlays gives me /dev/shm, so i dont see that file doesn't exist error, but the software is still causing the cairboulite driver to access invalid memory. wonder if we need a new udev rule or something, like the mem access is getting blocked because its done differently than CubicSDR (which still works fine).
So after letting CubicSDR run overnight and all day on a FM radio station I closed CubisSDR and could not open it again until after a reboot. Same mem access error.
on my rpi 3b with 512 mb ram it spins up 2 reader threads an 2 writer threads with immediate 400% Load on SDRPlusPlus. This makes all communication choppy, with or without compression enabled. When I kill the smi threads an rmmod the smi_stream_dev , it crashes with mem error and it's not possible to use it again until reboot.
@ImDroided when yours works, it at least works.
@great9 pi 3b is only good for SoapyRemote / SoapySDRServer scenarios, it can't do all that extra work processing the fft and demodulating audio, etc - BUT if you just run sudo SoapySDRServer --bind and then use sdrpp or cubicsdr, etc on a more capable machine, the audio will work fine. Side note - use TCP, not UDP when selecting the remote Caribou sdr in the chosen app.
If you want to see the fft and hear non-choppy audio, you'll need a pi 4.
Hello, all. I have the same issue with the /dev/smi missing when trying to use the Caribou and I am at the edge of my patience... I have this config on DragonOS, fresh install, on a RPI4 8GB... config.txt
I am getting the missing /dev/smi message whenever I want to do something with the caribou and I can see the following output for sudo dmesg:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dmesg | grep smi [sudo] password for ubuntu: [ 6.581459] pinctrl-bcm2835 fe200000.gpio: pin gpio16 already requested by fe215080.spi; cannot claim for fe600000.smi [ 6.581528] pinctrl-bcm2835 fe200000.gpio: pin-16 (fe600000.smi) status -22 [ 6.581595] smi-bcm2835 fe600000.smi: Error applying setting, reverse things back [ 6.606318] smi_stream_dev: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel. [ 6.606344] smi_stream_dev: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel [ 6.607034] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 7.803572] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 7.896288] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 7.953755] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 7.955999] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 7.982013] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.212845] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.274481] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.292913] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.329299] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.494281] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.516432] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.519442] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.520295] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.520735] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.521160] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.522078] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.657397] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.697743] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 8.786369] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 9.127903] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 19.167625] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 19.167755] platform soc:smi_dev: deferred probe pending [ 676.293907] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 676.298168] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 676.361852] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 1064.092049] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 1064.098142] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) [ 1064.164067] smi-stream-dev: smi_stream_dev_probe (fifo_mtu_multiplier=2, addr_dir_offset=2, addr_ch_offset=3) ubuntu@ubuntu:~$
Does anyone have any ideas?
Should look like this
dtparam=audio=on #dtparam=i2c_arm=on #dtparam=spi_vc=on dtparam=i2c_vc=on dtoverlay=spi1-3cs enable_uart=0
Comment out the following line if the edges of the desktop appear outside
the edges of your display
You'll also need a sudo chmod g+rw /dev/gpiomem each time you boot or put it in the /etc/rc.local