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Java/Ch 04. Trees and Graphs/Q4_05_Validate_BST/Question.java

Open sangnguyen7 opened this issue 6 years ago • 6 comments

You're solution is great. But I found a small issue, please correct me if I was wrong. Suppose, we have a tree as below: 4
/ \
2 6
/ \ / \ 1 3 4 7

Based on the problem stated, it is supposed to return "false" in this case. However, the code returned "true".

sangnguyen7 avatar Jul 11 '18 05:07 sangnguyen7

Hello, Kindly checkout my solution here: https://github.com/hiteshi27/Cracking-The-Coding-Interview-6-JAVA/blob/master/chapter4_trees_and_graphs/q5_ValidateBST.java

hiteshi27 avatar Jul 11 '18 14:07 hiteshi27

Hi Hiteshi27,

Thanks for sharing! Yes, the solution you're sharing is absolutely working for my case. Actually, in this repository also has that solution already (CtCI-6th-Edition/Java/Ch 04. Trees and Graphs/Q4_05_Validate_BST/QuestionB.java). However, my question is for the solution in Q4_05_Validate_BST/Question.java.

sangnguyen7 avatar Jul 11 '18 19:07 sangnguyen7

Yeah a believe the problem is in this part: https://github.com/careercup/CtCI-6th-Edition/blob/ee6781560cb61c12a2b8cc3ef3493de3891d82c2/Java/Ch%2004.%20Trees%20and%20Graphs/Q4_05_Validate_BST/Question.java#L27

How the left most item will be greater than the root ? I believe the correct why to check is: if (n.data > last_printed)

augustomelo avatar Sep 20 '18 10:09 augustomelo

I recon the reason this happens is because

				// Right child "is not allowed" be equal to parent.
				if (n.data <= lastPrinted) {
					return false;

is missing one additional check. For every node algorithm should verify:

  • left branch items are all less or equal than current node - this is being verifed
  • right branch items are all greater than current node - this is verified verified before visiting right branch implying than if any of the right branch items is smaller than current node it will detect and propagate up
  • neither node itself nor any of its children can be smaller than parent - this is not verified, e.g. you could save lastVisited first thing in the function, then after visiting both left and right branches compare lastVisited to saved value

mcsimk avatar Nov 13 '21 20:11 mcsimk

I found a similar issue. create tree from int[] {1,2,3,3,3,4,5} , as the follow shows. It should not return true. ..........3 ...2..........4 1...3......3...5

hobossa avatar Jan 29 '22 09:01 hobossa

In this fix the bug?

Using a static int variable to record the last element's depth. // traverse the tree using an in-order traversal (left, current, right). // there are two scenarios continuously alternating here. Using a static int variable to record the last element's depth. // 1, the last Element is on the current node's left child tree. the last element' depth should greater than current depth // the last element should not be greater than the current // 2. current element is on the last Element's right child tree. the last element's depth should smaller than current depth. // the last element should not be greater than or equal to the current

hobossa avatar Jan 29 '22 10:01 hobossa