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Java/Ch 04. Trees and Graphs/Q4_05_Validate_BST/Question.java
You're solution is great. But I found a small issue, please correct me if I was wrong. Suppose, we have a tree as below:
/ \
2 6
/ \ / \
1 3 4 7
Based on the problem stated, it is supposed to return "false" in this case. However, the code returned "true".
Hello, Kindly checkout my solution here: https://github.com/hiteshi27/Cracking-The-Coding-Interview-6-JAVA/blob/master/chapter4_trees_and_graphs/q5_ValidateBST.java
Hi Hiteshi27,
Thanks for sharing! Yes, the solution you're sharing is absolutely working for my case. Actually, in this repository also has that solution already (CtCI-6th-Edition/Java/Ch 04. Trees and Graphs/Q4_05_Validate_BST/QuestionB.java). However, my question is for the solution in Q4_05_Validate_BST/Question.java.
Yeah a believe the problem is in this part: https://github.com/careercup/CtCI-6th-Edition/blob/ee6781560cb61c12a2b8cc3ef3493de3891d82c2/Java/Ch%2004.%20Trees%20and%20Graphs/Q4_05_Validate_BST/Question.java#L27
How the left most item will be greater than the root ? I believe the correct why to check is: if (n.data > last_printed)
I recon the reason this happens is because
// Right child "is not allowed" be equal to parent.
if (n.data <= lastPrinted) {
return false;
is missing one additional check. For every node algorithm should verify:
- left branch items are all less or equal than current node - this is being verifed
- right branch items are all greater than current node - this is verified verified before visiting right branch implying than if any of the right branch items is smaller than current node it will detect and propagate up
- neither node itself nor any of its children can be smaller than parent - this is not verified, e.g. you could save lastVisited first thing in the function, then after visiting both left and right branches compare lastVisited to saved value
I found a similar issue. create tree from int[] {1,2,3,3,3,4,5} , as the follow shows. It should not return true. ..........3 ...2..........4 1...3......3...5
In this fix the bug?
Using a static int variable to record the last element's depth. // traverse the tree using an in-order traversal (left, current, right). // there are two scenarios continuously alternating here. Using a static int variable to record the last element's depth. // 1, the last Element is on the current node's left child tree. the last element' depth should greater than current depth // the last element should not be greater than the current // 2. current element is on the last Element's right child tree. the last element's depth should smaller than current depth. // the last element should not be greater than or equal to the current