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Issues on iOS11
General information
SDK/Library version: 5.4.1 iOS Version and Device: iOS 11 on an iPhone 6s
Hi, Have there been any reported issues with iOS11? We are currently having an issue where our app freezes and crashes when the function is initiated on an iOS11 device.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Josh
We're having a similar issue. The app isn't crashing, but the delegate methods we defined for userDidCancel
and userDidProvide
fail to fire in iOS 11 (Swift 3.2).
Can you please provide more details?
Which version of Xcode did you use to build your app? Do the delegate methods still get called in iOS 9/10/etc.?
I can verify that it works correctly built in Xcode 9 using an iOS 10.3 Simulator. @bluk
Hey @bluk any luck with this issue? Any way I can be of assistance?
@Gerst20051 Are you able to run the demo app in ? Running it in iOS 11 for me seems to present the correct delegate calls for userDidCancel...
and userDidProvide...
@bluk @Gerst20051 I believe I have narrowed down what is causing the delegate functions not to fire only on iOS 11. It looks like when there is a tap gesture recognizer added above the CardIOPaymentViewController(for instance having a touch recognizer on the entire window) the cancel/done button events do not fire on iOS 11 although they work fine on iOS9/10. I have attached a link to a sample project I built showing the issue.
Any workaround for this issue? Unfortunately, we can’t stop using gesture recognizers in our app.
@aalvarez255 There are a couple options I found:
1.) Instead of adding the gesture recognizer to the window or on top of everything, you can just add it to the ViewController view so that the gesture isn't over the Navigation Bar which is what actually causes the interference.
2.) Keep a reference to the gesture recognizer you are adding and when you launch temporarily disable it while showing the ViewController. Then when the scan is done or user hits cancel enable the gesture again.
3.) Use the CardIOView to build your own custom screen which is the option I ultimately used.
@aalvarez255 try start CardIOs view as modal, it is works for me on Xamarin
I had similar issue happen on my iOS 11 devices , the didScanCard delegate method and didProvide methods never being called on my apps. However , one of the delegate method which is userDidCancel did fired when I tap cancel button... anyone experience this issue ? My card.iO SDK version is 5.4.1 and without PayPal SDK.
I am having an intermittent issue as well. When hitting cancel, the view slides down slightly (Like its closing) and then stops. The delegate methods are never called so the view is not fully dismissed. I tried the opening as modal, but the issue still occurs. Has anyone found a perm workaround/fix?
@OmegaPrimeZ3 Were you able to resolve this issue?
Or did anyone resolve this issue pertaining to cancel/done buttons not firing on ios 11.x? Seems like iOS 11.x Card IO does not call the same delegates for Cancel/Done?
`public class CardIORenderer : PageRenderer { private bool bViewAlreadyDisappeared = false; private CardIOPage cardIOPage;
public CardIORenderer()
protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
cardIOPage = e.NewElement as CardIOPage;
public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)
if (bViewAlreadyDisappeared) return;
var paymentDelegate = new CardIOPaymentViewControllerDg(cardIOPage);
// Create and Show the View Controller
var paymentViewController = new CardIOPaymentViewController(paymentDelegate,true);
paymentViewController.CollectExpiry = cardIOPage.cardIOConfiguration.RequireExpiry;
paymentViewController.CollectCVV = cardIOPage.cardIOConfiguration.RequireCvv;
paymentViewController.CollectPostalCode = cardIOPage.cardIOConfiguration.RequirePostalCode;
paymentViewController.HideCardIOLogo = cardIOPage.cardIOConfiguration.HideCardIOLogo;
paymentViewController.CollectCardholderName = cardIOPage.cardIOConfiguration.CollectCardholderName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardIOPage.cardIOConfiguration.Localization)) paymentViewController.LanguageOrLocale = cardIOPage.cardIOConfiguration.Localization;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardIOPage.cardIOConfiguration.ScanInstructions)) paymentViewController.ScanInstructions = cardIOPage.cardIOConfiguration.ScanInstructions;
// Not sure if this needs to be diabled, but it doesn't seem like something I want to do.
paymentViewController.AllowFreelyRotatingCardGuide = false;
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
var window = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow;
var vc = window.RootViewController;
while (vc.PresentedViewController != null)
vc = vc.PresentedViewController;
// Display the interface
vc.PresentViewController(paymentViewController, true, null);
public override void ViewDidDisappear(bool animated)
bViewAlreadyDisappeared = true;
} public class CardIOPaymentViewControllerDg : CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate { private CardIOPage cardIOPage; private CardIOCard cardIOCard = new CardIOCard(); public CardIOPaymentViewControllerDg(CardIOPage page) { cardIOPage = page;
public override void UserDidCancelPaymentViewController(CardIOPaymentViewController paymentViewController)
paymentViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);
MessagingCenter.Send<CardIOCard>(cardIOCard, "CreditCardScanCancelled");
public override void UserDidProvideCreditCardInfo(CreditCardInfo card, CardIOPaymentViewController paymentViewController)
paymentViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);
if (card == null)
MessagingCenter.Send<CardIOCard>(cardIOCard, "CreditCardScanCancelled");
cardIOCard.cardNumber = card.CardNumber;
cardIOCard.ccv = card.Cvv;
cardIOCard.exprMonth = card.ExpiryMonth.ToString();
cardIOCard.exprYear = card.ExpiryYear.ToString();
cardIOCard.redactedCardNumber = card.RedactedCardNumber;
cardIOCard.cardholderName = card.CardholderName;
MessagingCenter.Send<CardIOCard>(cardIOCard, "CreditCardScanSuccess");
This is what I have for the code`
@aznelite89 did you resolve your issue?