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Icon on card details screen when opted to suppress
Hello, I am using the plugin in an ionic (v1) application. I have had a report from a user that they were concerned when inputting their card details as we mention payment processing via stripe and then display a paypal logo. This surprised me as I have the option 'useCardIOLogo' set to true which hides it in the scan, but apparently not on the 'card details' view when more info is required.
This is potentially deterring customers, as it looks a little sketchy!
Here is my config:
"requireExpiry": true,
"requireCVV": true,
"requirePostalCode": true,
"restrictPostalCodeToNumericOnly": false,
"suppressManual": true,
"keepApplicationTheme": true,
"scanExpiry": true,
"guideColor": "#FFFFFF",
"useCardIOLogo": true,
"requireCardholderName": true
}, onCardIOComplete, onCardIOCancel);
As I say, the CardIO logo is shown when scanning, it is the card detail view which is displaying the paypal logo erroneously.
Same with Ionic v3
+1 Same here