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Add a shop.
This shop requires a license. https://discord.gg/kkKmDNyZgc
Download test video for POCODA SHOP. https://sendvid.com/zqtq7g4d https://sendvid.com/96pbdkmy https://sendvid.com/sn9rppsu https://sendvid.com/yz01bt12
Connection Information
LiberaShop will never ask for monetary payment to access or get advice on using it. If you paid for access or advice, you have been scammed.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Being charged a service fee
- Being charged for tech support
- Being required to make a payment or subscribe to access or learn about it on YouTube, Patreon, Discord, etc.
Report the seller to the platform or marketplace and payment processor used and demand your money back immediately. If they refuse to issue a refund, contact your card issuer and request a chargeback. The use of the service for commercial, for-profit, or revenue-generating purposes is strictly forbidden.
Add the following connection information to the File Browser tab of your client (press minus -
to add a new entry):
Protocol: https
Host: liberashop.rs
Libera does not require any additional information to be entered. No OAuth setup, license linked to a Discord account, or contribution is needed.
Install Options
It is required that Stream Install is turned ON in the Options tab. This is the default setting, but if you have any failing downloads, please make sure that you check in the client: scroll down to Options, scroll about halfway down to the Install section, and make sure that Stream Install is set to YES.
Tinfoil v17.0 is required.
This shop requires a license. https://discord.gg/kkKmDNyZgc
Shop is now dead and likely got raided by Big N