carbon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
carbon copied to clipboard

[Bug]: Warnings when building with Vite

Open Baicheng-MiQ opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments




No response

Package version


React version

No response


When building, these warnings show up: node_modules/@carbon/icons-vue/es/align-box--top-right/16.jswarnings when minifying css: ▲ [WARNING] Expected "," but found "to"

  4706 │   from, 11.1% to {
       │               ~~
       ╵               ,

▲ [WARNING] Expected "," but found "to"

  4740 │   from, 11.1% to {
       │               ~~
       ╵               ,

✓ 7896 modules transformed. warnings when minifying css: ▲ [WARNING] Expected "," but found "to"

  4796 │   from, 11.1% to {
       │               ~~
       ╵               ,

▲ [WARNING] Expected "," but found "to"

  4830 │   from, 11.1% to {
       │               ~~
       ╵               ,


npm run build

Steps to reproduce

import any icons then build with Vite: npm run build

Code of Conduct

Baicheng-MiQ avatar Jul 11 '22 16:07 Baicheng-MiQ

Hey @Baicheng-MiQ I'm unable to recreate in my Vue testing sandbox. Can you tell us what your version numbers are for a few packages so I can help you debug:

  1. vite (mine is v3.0.1)
  2. @carbon/icons-vue (mine is v10.49.1)
  3. Node version you're building with (mine is v16.15.1)

dakahn avatar Jul 27 '22 16:07 dakahn

Hi @dakahn

  1. vite v2.9.14
  2. @carbon/icons-vue 10.49.1
  3. Node v16.15.1

Baicheng-MiQ avatar Jul 27 '22 17:07 Baicheng-MiQ

Ok, fired up an environment running v2.9.14 and I still can't recreate. Imported our icons and they run and build as expected image image

Sort of at a loss here on my end for where to look next. Can you copy/paste your terminal's output exactly and we can reach out to our Carbon Vue community to try and figure out what's happening and go from there

dakahn avatar Jul 27 '22 19:07 dakahn


[email protected] build vite build

vite v2.9.14 building for production... transforming (87) node_modules/@carbon/icons-vue/es/accessibility--color/24.js 🌼 daisyUI components 2.19.0 ✔︎ Including: base, components, themes[29], utilities

🌼 daisyUI components 2.19.0 ✔︎ Including: base, components, themes[29], utilities

✓ 7896 modules transformed. warnings when minifying css: ▲ [WARNING] Expected "," but found "to" [css-syntax-error]

  4921 │   from, 11.1% to {
       │               ~~
       ╵               ,

▲ [WARNING] Expected "," but found "to" [css-syntax-error]

  4955 │   from, 11.1% to {
       │               ~~
       ╵               ,

dist/assets/psai_logo.87127fc4.png 85.08 KiB dist/assets/loading.61159dbe.gif 89.01 KiB dist/assets/entry.2316cd54.png 5.70 KiB dist/assets/grid-n-glass.cc83ace5.png 127.71 KiB dist/index.html 0.42 KiB dist/assets/index.2414c281.css 132.21 KiB / gzip: 18.76 KiB dist/assets/index.08cc24de.js 863.69 KiB / gzip: 248.66 KiB

(!) Some chunks are larger than 500 KiB after minification. Consider:

  • Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
  • Use build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks to improve chunking:
  • Adjust chunk size limit for this warning via build.chunkSizeWarningLimit. npm notice npm notice New minor version of npm available! 8.14.0 -> 8.15.1 npm notice Changelog: npm notice Run npm install -g [email protected] to update! npm notice

Baicheng-MiQ avatar Jul 28 '22 05:07 Baicheng-MiQ

@Baicheng-MiQ Are you using Vue 2 or 3? We've got a fix coming for @carbon/icons-vue for Vue 2 in #11855. Might be related

tay1orjones avatar Aug 01 '22 13:08 tay1orjones