PortalPlugins copied to clipboard
Python 3 and Yaml files
at first, if you want to use the skylanders.py in Python3 you need to ad Args. Python Old : print "SID: %02X" % (sid) Python New: print ("SID: %02X" % (sid))
After i fixed that i needed to install Yaml, of course it ist trivial. But if i start the skylanders.py runs the skript in the Programm but the Yaml file is not Load. Can you help me where i need to drop the yaml file that it will load.
My currently path is "/home/pi/plugins" for the skylanders.py and for the yaml file is at "home/pi/skylanders_images"
Thank You and Sorry for my bad English
You setup the hardware? You compiled the "portal" branch of https://github.com/capull0/serialusb/tree/portal ? The skylanders.py will be loaded from serialusb. You have to provide pluginpath and the plugin as argument.
I upload the emu xy.hex to my atmega. I dont use an FT232RL or CP2102, I tryed it with my PI Zero at the TX/RX But I can´t install the serial usb.amd64.deb to my raspi. Because its not supported. I don´t know how i install the serial usb to my raspberry, How do i provide pluginpath and the plugin as argument?
Steps on your raspberry:
- clone repository and all subrepositories
git clone -b portal --single-branch --depth 1 --recursive https://github.com/capull0/serialusb.git
- change to serialusb directory
cd serialusb/sw
- build serialusb
Could be, that you have to install dependencies like build-essential or libusb, you have to install via "apt-get install" - install serialusb
sudo make install
- start serialusb
sudo serialusb --help
here you can provide the path
Thank you very much for the fast reply. I will try it and hopefully it will work Wich Programm did you use to flash the the ATMEGA Firmware
google for "avrdude atmega pro micro"
Hello Capull0,
i installed the serialusb.git, i install the libusb etc. I dont know what you mean with "build serial USB" at Point 3. At 5. Did i need to start "Serialusb" everytime i want to use the Portal? I Start Serialusb with this Command sudo serialusb -D "/home/pi/plugins" Is that Right? Whats the next Step?
Big Thanks in advance
Sorry, i don't have the time to give that deep support. Try to get first the "original" serialusb running, not my fork.
Means you have serialusb in between your Skylanders Portal and your Playstation running. If the communication is working, you can continue and can compile my fork (important: you have to use the portal branch) The python code is running within the serialusb binary and is just intercepting the usb <-> serial communication and replacing the requested data from the RFID with the local stored image.
No Problem, i will try it Thank you for the Support.