GLSL2FxPlug copied to clipboard
A simple GLSL to FxPlug Converter
Simple GLSL to FxPlug Converter
GLSL is the OpenGL Shader Language, used to program parts of the OpenGL Rendering Pipeline. It is used in 3D graphics but also for hardware accelerated image and video effects. GLSL2FxPlug lets you embed your GLSL fragment shaders into FxPlug plug-ins which can be used in Motion and supposedly in Final Cut Pro.
In general this isn't a very difficult to do, it's even in the FxPlug SDKs examples. GLSL2FxPlug does two things to make things easier and faster: First of all it automates all steps from Xcode project generation, up until installation of the plug-in. Second it uses a simple macro-style language to annotate meta information and to connect GLSL uniform variables to parameters, which then are used for control and automation in Motion.
GLSL2FxPlug isn't designed for professional FxPlug development, more as a tool for creative coders to easily bring their GLSL skills to Motion/Final Cut Pro to create GPU accelerated video effects.
A little demo/tutorial video on YouTube
GLSL2FxPlug currently is designed to run in its own folder, so just clone this repository into a working directory. In order to compile plug-ins you need to install:
- Xcode (from Apple App Store)
- Xcode Command Line Tools (in Xcode->Preferences->Downloads)
- FxPlug SDK (Can be downloaded with a free Apple Developer account)
GLSL2FxPlug uses Python, which is allready installed on all Mac OS X versions. GLSL2FxPlug will not work on Windows and Linux.
If can't be executed you might need to make it executable.
chmod +x
General Usage Pattern
- Run template to generate a .glsl2fxplug file template
- Edit FxPlug meta information (see Meta Information)
- Copy your GLSL shader source code into the .glsl2fxplug file (or write it from scratch)
- Replace all uniform variables with $-commands (see Parameters)
- Be sure to use sampler2DRect and not sampler2D
- Run build/install to compile and/or install your FxPlug
- In the output/ folder you'll find the FxPlug and the generated Xcode project for further hacking
- Test your plug-in! (You might need to restart Motion for your plug-in or the changes to appear)
Usage is run in the Terminal, taking two arguments:
./ [command] [classname]
Classnames must be valid C-style variable names (no whitespace, not starting with a number, ...). You can add .glsl2fxplug as an extension, if not it will be added automatically. If you omit the command then build will be used as a default command.
The following commands are available:
- template generate a new template glsl2fxplug file
- build generates and builds a FxPlug from an existing glsl2fxplug file
- install same as build but also installs the plug-in to ~/Library/Plug-Ins/FxPlug/
- test doesn't generate a project, just parses file and runs GLSLTest
- generate generates a project but doesn't build and test it
- build-notest generates and builds a project but does not run GLSLTest
- install-notest same as build-notest but also installs the plug-in
Example: (generates, builds and install the example file)
./ install StupidExample.glsl2fxplug
GLSL2FxPlug Files
GLSL2FxPlug files are standard text files, containing shader source cod and $-commands (lines starting with a $ sign and a command in capital letters). Commands are used to set meta-information, annotate sections or to add parameters.
Some commands have additional arguments, seperated by commas. Default values are used, if additional arguments aren't set. In the following documentation s/f/i/b are used to annotate the parameters type (String, Float, Integer, Boolean).
C-style comments (/* ... */) are safe to use to comment files.
$FLOAT Brightness, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.5, 1.5, 0.1, Total Brightness, 5
/* A float uniform called Brightness with a default value of 1.0,
ranging from 0 to 2 and the slider ranging from 0.5 to 1.5. Step value
is 0.1. In a GUI the name is displayed as "Total Brightness" and the
unique parameter ID is 5. */
The $VERTEX and $FRAGMENT commands mark the start of the vertex/fragment shaders. All text/parameters after the commands are added to the respective shader.
Meta Information
Meta information about the plug-in usually is in the top of the file. Currently all available meta information commands are generated through the template.
If you need another UUID you can generate it in the Terminal:
- $GLSL2FXPLUG file format version (currently 1)
- $TYPE FxPlug type. Currently only "filter" is implemented
- $CLASSNAME class and file name for the FxPlug (must be valid C variable name)
- $DISPLAYNAME plug-in name displayed in effect library
- $DESCRIPTION descriptive text, also displayed in the effect library
- $GROUP name of the group the plug-in will be in the effect library
- $GROUPUUID UUID of the group (must be the same for all plug-ins in the same group)
- $BUNDLEID bundle identifier
- $UUID UUID of the plug-in (must be unique, that's why creating new templates is better than copying files)
Instead of uniform variables you have to use parameter commands (which will be translated to standard GLSL uniforms).
The first argument of a parameter command is always the variable name which will be used in GLSL. The last two arguments are usually a display name (which can contain spaces) which is displayed by the FxPlug (if not specified the variable name is used) and a unique parameter ID (integer) which is created automatically when omitted.
The parameter ID is used to store parameter data. If you have finished developing your plug-in and want to use it in production it is wise to manually set the parameter ID, otherwise it might change if you add new parameters and recompile.
$FLOAT [var_name]s, [default_value=0.0]f, [param_min=0.0]f, [param_max=1.0]f, [slider_min=0.0]f, [slider_max=1.0]f, [delta=0.1]f, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Creates a float uniform variable var_name connected to a slider. param_min/param_max set the parameter range while slider_min/slider_max set only the range for the slider. delta is the step value a parameter is increase by using arrow up/down keys.
$FLOAT Brightness, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.5, 1.5
/* A float uniform called Brightness with a default
value of 1.0, a parameter range from 0 to 2 but a
slider range of just 0.5 to 1.5 */
$INT [var_name]s, [default_value=0]i, [param_min=0]i, [param_max=10]i, [slider_min=0]i, [slider_max=10]i, [delta=10]i, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Basically the same as $FLOAT but creates an int uniform variable and an integer slider.
$ANGLE [var_name]s, [default_value=0.0]f, [param_min=0.0]f, [param_max=360.0]f, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Creates two float uniforms connected to a rotary angle knob: var_name which contains the angle in degrees and var_name_rad which contains the angle in radians.
$ANGLE Angle, 0.0, -90.0, 90.0
/* Two float uniforms called Angle and Angle_rad with
a default value of 0.0, ranging from -90° to 90°. */
$TOGGLE [var_name]s, [default_value=True]b, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Creates a bool uniform variable var_name connected to a checkbox. The default_value can be set either by true/false or yes/no and is case insensitive.
$TOGGLE UseTexture, True
/* A bool uniform called UsedTexture ticked by default. */
$POINT [var_name]s, [default_x]f, [default_y]f, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Creates a vec2 uniform variable var_name connected to two sliders and a pointer control inside the canvas. Coordinates are in 0..1 range.
$RGBA [var_name]s, [default_red=0.0]f, [default_green=0.0]f, [default_blue=0.0]f, [default_alpha=1.0]f, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Creates a vec4 uniform variable var_name connected to a RGB color selector with additional alpha slider. All values are in 0..1 range.
$RGBA Color, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
/* A vec4 uniform with solid red as default color. */
$RGB [var_name]s, [default_red=0.0]f, [default_green=0.0]f, [default_blue=0.0]f, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Basically the same as $RGBA but creates a vec3 uniform and has no alpha control.
$IMAGE [var_name]s, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Creates a sampler2DRect uniform variable var_name connected to a drop-zone where you can put images, clips or groups from your timeline. Additionally the vec2 uniform var_name_dim is created, containing the image dimensions in pixels.
$IMAGE ModImage
/* Creates a sampler2DRect uniform variable
called ModImage which can be sampled with texture2DRect */
$FLOATPOPUP [var_name]s, [default_index]i, {[name]s, [value]f}, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Creates a float uniform variable var_name which is set by a popup menu. There can be as many name and value pairs as one likes. Because in this syntax it is impossible to distinguish between name/value pairs and display_name/param_id you have to explicitly specify display_name and param_id.
default_index starts with 0 and must be a valid index.
$FLOATPOPUP Value, 2, Nothing, 0.0, Half, 0.5, Full, 1.0, Value, 20
/* Creates a float uniform variable called Value and a
popup menu with 3 choices. The default selection is "Full" */
$INTPOPUP [var_name]s, [default_index]i, {[name]s, [value]i}, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Basically the same as $FLOATPOPUP but creates an int uniform variable.
$INTPOPUP Channel, 0, Red, 0, Green, 1, Blue, 2, Color Channel, 21
/* Creates a int uniform variable called Channel and a
popup menu with 3 choices. The default selection is "Red" */
$SUBGROUP [var_name]s, [display_name]s, [param_id]i
Creates a collapsable subgroup in which all following parameters until the next $ENDSUBGROUP are put in. It doesn't create an uniform variable, unfortunately a valid var_name is still needed for book-keeping.
If $SUBGROUP is used when a subgroup is already open it will close it automatically and open a new one.
$SUBGROUP Group1, Group 1, 120
/* Creates a subgroup displayed with
"Group 1", with a unique paramater ID 120.
Group1 is only used for internal book-keeping. */
Closes a subgroup opened with $SUBGROUP. Only can be used when there's an open subgroup.
Other Uniform Variables
These uniform variables don't create a parameter, that's why only need a variable name and not a display name or parameter ID. They're used to get information from the host, clip and/or timeline.
$INPUT [var_name]s
Creates a sampler2DRect uniform variable var_name containing the image to be filtered.. Additionally the vec2 uniform var_name_dim is created, containing the image dimensions in pixels.
SCALE [var_name]s
Creates a vec2 uniform variable var_name containing the scale factor of the filter operation. This is relevant for rendering preview or half-quality images correctly when doing transformations on texture coordinates.
$TIME [var_name]s
Creates a float uniform variable var_name containing the current position of the timeline in seconds. Also creates a float uniform variable var_name_frame containing the same information in frames.
$CLIPTIME [var_name]s
Creates a float uniform variable var_name containing the current position of the filter clip duration in seconds. Also creates a float uniform variable var_name_frame containing the same information in frames.
$CLIPDURATION [var_name]s
Creates a float uniform variable var_name containing the duration of the filter clip in seconds. Also creates a float uniform variable var_name_frame containing the same information in frames.
FPS [var_name]s
Creates a float uniform variable var_name which contains the frame rate of the timeline.