Slipp Douglas Thompson
Slipp Douglas Thompson
I also have a commit ready (that depends these changes) that makes SwiftBitmask compatible with iOS, tvOS, & watchOS. I'll be happy to submit a PR for that if/when this...
Was there a problem with this PR? I have a few other additions I'd like to contribute, but they're dependent upon Swift 3 compatibility. Please let me know if there's...
> I don't really expect any game to work on Darling (even the ones that run on OpenGL). For example, Deltarune doesn't work on Darling. I'm curious why that is—...
I guess my question is: Why was this implemented as an Xcode plugin in the first place, when the venerable macOS AppleScript API will give you all the current-app/current-document information...
> Anything goes to get WakaTime working again for Xcode. Can we run that AppleScript from Xcode user events, like cursor moved or file saved? Maybe, but I wouldn't. AppleScript...
It would be a fairly major refactoring (including lots of code deletion), but the approach I would take to get this working is rename this repo to **macos-wakatime** and make...
@HallofFamer What advantage does this have over the built-in syntax of: ``` if aBoolean { // someCode } else { // otherCode } ```
My expectation as a user is that Xcode's build process should abort, with a single error in the Issues Navigator explaining the `.swiftlint.yml` formatting error (or whatever other reason SwiftLint...
Looks like it's dependent on inputs. This is calling it with `x: 80`, `y: -80`, and `frequency: 0.05`.
> It seems like you have specified visionOS as destination in your Gymfile. I don't have a `Gymfile` in my project's `fastline/` dir (or anywhere). It seems to me those...