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OCaml code generator plugin for the Cap'n Proto serialization framework
This is an[OCaml] code generator plugin for the[Cap'n Proto] serialization framework.
This plugin is roughly feature-complete for the Cap'n Proto basic serialization.
For RPC support, see
Design Notes
The generated code follows the general Cap'n Proto convention of using the serialized message format as the in-memory data structure representation. This enables the "infinitely faster" performance characteristic, but it also means that the generated code is not directly compatible with OCaml records, arrays, etc.
The generated code is functorized over the underlying message format. This
enables client code to operate equally well on messages stored as--for
example--OCaml bytes
buffers or OCaml Bigarray
(perhaps most interesting
for applications involving mmap()
Generated Code
The Cap'n Proto types are mapped to OCaml types as follows:
.Type mapping
| Cap'n Proto Type | OCaml Type
| Void
| unit
| Bool
| bool
| Int8
| int
| Int16
| int
| Int32
| int32
| Int64
| int64
| UInt8
| int
| UInt16
| int
| UInt32
| Uint32.t
] library)
| UInt64
| Uint64.t
] library)
| Float32
| float
| Float64
| float
| Text
| string
| Data
| string
| List<T>
| ('a, T, 'b) Capnp.Array.t
The Capnp.Array
module is roughly API-compatible with OCaml arrays and
provides similar performance characteristics.
A Cap'n Proto struct maps to an OCaml module. The generated module hierarchy reflects the hierarchy of structs specified in the schema file. For example, the Cap'n Proto schema
struct Outer1 { struct Inner { } }
struct Outer2 { }
would yield a generated module with the signature [source,ocaml]
module type S = sig module Reader : sig module Outer1 : sig type t
module Inner : sig
type t
(* Read-only accessors for Inner.t *)
(* Read-only accessors for Outer1.t *)
module Outer2 : sig
type t
(* Read-only accessors for Outer2.t *)
module Builder : sig module Outer1 : sig type t
module Inner : sig
type t
(* Read/write accessors for Inner.t *)
(* Read/write accessors for Outer1.t *)
module Outer2 : sig
type t
(* Read/write accessors for Outer2.t *)
end end
The Reader
and Builder
submodules provide read-only and read/write message
accessors, respectively. The accessors for struct fields are constructed as
Primitive Fields
A struct field `foo` of primitive type will result in generation of the
following accessors:
(* for field 'foo' of type Void *)
val foo_get : t -> unit
val foo_set : t -> unit -> unit
(* for field 'foo' of type Bool *)
val foo_get : t -> bool
val foo_set : t -> bool -> unit
(* for field 'foo' of type Float32 or Float64 *)
val foo_get : t -> float
val foo_set : t -> float -> unit
(* for field 'foo' of type Text or Data *)
val has_foo : t -> bool
val foo_get : t -> string
val foo_set : t -> string -> unit
(* for field 'foo' of type Int8 *)
val foo_get : t -> int
(* Raise [Invalid_argument] if out of Int8 range *)
val foo_set_exn : t -> int -> unit
(* for field 'foo' of type Int16 *)
val foo_get : t -> int
(* Raise [Invalid_argument] if out of Int16 range *)
val foo_set_exn : t -> int -> unit
(* for field 'foo' of type Int32 *)
val foo_get : t -> int32
(* Raise [Message.Out_of_int_range] if not representable as int *)
val foo_get_int_exn : t -> int
val foo_set : t -> int32 -> unit
(* Raise [Invalid_argument] if out of Int32 range *)
val foo_set_int_exn : t -> int -> unit
(* for field 'foo' of type Int64 *)
val foo_get : t -> int64
(* Raise [Message.Out_of_int_range] if not representable as int *)
val foo_get_int_exn : t -> int
val foo_set : t -> int64 -> unit
val foo_set_int : t -> int
(* for field 'foo' of type UInt8 *)
val foo_get : t -> int
(* Raise [Invalid_argument] if out of UInt8 range *)
val foo_set_exn : t -> int -> unit
(* for field 'foo' of type UInt16 *)
val foo_get : t -> int
(* Raise [Invalid_argument] if out of UInt16 range *)
val foo_set_exn : t -> int -> unit
(* for field 'foo' of type UInt32 *)
val foo_get : t -> Uint32.t
(* Raise [Message.Out_of_int_range] if not representable as int *)
val foo_get_int_exn : t -> int
val foo_set : t -> Uint32.t -> unit
(* Raise [Invalid_argument] if out of UInt32 range *)
val foo_set_int_exn : t -> int -> unit
(* for field 'foo' of type UInt64 *)
val foo_get : t -> Uint64.t
(* Raise [Message.Out_of_int_range] if not representable as int *)
val foo_get_int_exn : t -> int
val foo_set : t -> Uint64.t -> unit
(* Raise [Invalid_argument] if out of UInt64 range *)
val foo_set_int_exn : t -> int -> unit
`_get` accessors will be available in both the `Reader` and the `Builder`
modules; `_set` accessors will be available only for `Builder` types.
Embedded Struct Fields
A struct field foo
which is of struct type will result in generation of
the following accessors:
(* Assuming that field foo has generated type Foo.t... *)
(** [has_foo s] returns [true] if field [foo] was set in structure [s]. *) val has_foo : t -> bool
(** [foo_init s] initializes the value of field [foo] to the default value for its type.
@return a reference to the content of field [foo] *)
val foo_init : t -> Foo.t
(** [foo_get s] gets a reference to the content of field [foo]. (For the Builder implementation, if the field was not previously initialized then as a side-effect this function will default-initialize the structure and cause [has_foo s] to return [true].)
@raise Message.Invalid_message if the message is ill-formatted *)
val foo_get : t -> Foo.t
(** [foo_get_pipelined s] is a reference to the field [foo] in the (possibly not yet received) struct [s]. Only available in the Reader section. *) val foo_get_pipelined : struct_t StructRef.t -> Foo.struct_t StructRef.t
(** [foo_set_reader s v] sets the content of field [foo] by making a deep copy of the Reader-typed structure.
@return reference to the content of field [foo]
@raise Message.Invalid_message if the message is ill-formatted *)
val foo_set_reader : t -> Reader.Foo.t -> Builder.Foo.t
(** [foo_set_builder s v] sets the content of field [foo] by making a deep copy of the Builder-typed structure.
@return reference to the content of field [foo]
@raise Message.Invalid_message if the message is ill-formatted *)
val foo_set_builder : t -> Builder.Foo.t -> Builder.Foo.t
List Fields
A struct field `foo` which is of list type will result in generation of
the following accessors:
(* Assuming that field foo contains values of type Inner... *)
(** [has_foo s] returns [true] if field [foo] was set in structure [s]. *)
val has_foo : t -> bool
(** [foo_init s n] initializes field [foo] to a zero-initialized list of
length [n] (i.e. primitive types are initialized as zero, struct types
are initialized as the default value for the struct type).
@return a reference to the content of field [foo] *)
val foo_init : t -> int -> (rw, Inner.t, 'a) Capnp.Array.t
(** [foo_get s] gets a reference to the content of field [foo]. (For the
Builder implementation, if the field was not previously initialized
then as a side-effect this function will default-initialize the
list and cause [has_foo s] to return [true].)
@raise Message.Invalid_message if the message is ill-formatted *)
val foo_get : t -> ('cap, Inner.t, 'arr) Capnp.Array.t
(** [foo_get_list s] creates an OCaml list containing the content of
field [foo].
@raise Message.Invalid_message if the message is ill-formatted *)
val foo_get_list : t -> Inner.t list
(** [foo_get_array s] creates an OCaml array containing the content of
field [foo].
@raise Message.Invalid_message if the message is ill-formatted *)
val foo_get_array : t -> Inner.t array
(** [foo_set s v] sets the content of field [foo] by creating a deep copy
of list [v]. (This may result in reallocation of [foo], which may
lead to poor performance.)
@return a reference to the content of field [foo]
@raise Message.Invalid_message if the message is ill-formatted *)
val foo_set : t -> ('cap, Inner.t, 'a) Capnp.Array.t ->
(rw, Inner.t, 'b) Capnp.Array.t
(** [foo_set_list s v] sets the content of field [foo] from OCaml list [v].
(This may result in reallocation of [foo], which may lead to poor
@return a reference to the content of field [foo]
@raise Message.Invalid_message if the message is ill-formatted *)
val foo_set_list : t -> Inner.t list -> (rw, Inner.t, 'b) Capnp.Array.t
(** [foo_set_array s v] sets the content of field [foo] from OCaml array [v].
(This may result in reallocation of [foo], which may lead to poor
@return a reference to the content of field [foo]
@raise Message.Invalid_message if the message is ill-formatted *)
val foo_set_array : t -> Inner.t array -> (rw, Inner.t, 'b) Capnp.Array.t
Union Fields
Cap'n Proto has first-class support for union (sum) types. These are mapped
to OCaml variants in a straightforward way. To retrieve a union value,
use the generated get
function which will return a variant specifying which
of the possible fields is present. To set a union value, use the generated
(or init_foo
) functions which simultaneously set (or init) the field
value and set the union discriminant.
Variant constructors are generated simply by capitalizing the first letters of
the associated union fields. In addition, to allow forward compatibility
the constructor Undefined of int
is added to the variant type definition.
This constructor value is returned whenever an unknown union discriminant is
Enum Fields
Enums map to OCaml variants in the way one would expect. Enum fields within
structs will lead to generation of `foo_get` and `foo_set` accessors which
work just like the accessors for other primitive types.
Additional Operations on Structs
In addition to field accessors, modules associated with structs also contain the following functions: [source,ocaml]
(* Assuming that the struct is called Bar... *)
(** [of_message m] parses message [m] to retrieve the root struct.
@return a reference to the content of the root struct
@raise Message.Invalid_message if the message is ill-formatted *)
val of_message : 'cap message_t -> t
(** [of_builder b] converts a read/write reference to the struct into a read-only interface. (Found only in the Reader module.) *) val of_builder : Builder.Bar.t -> Reader.Bar.t
(** [to_reader b] converts a read/write reference to the struct into a read-only interface. (Found only in the Builder module.) *) val to_reader : Builder.Bar.t -> Reader.Bar.t
(** [init_root ?message_size ()] constructs a new message and initializes an instance of this struct type as the root struct of the message. The optional [message_size] can be used to set the initial message size.
@return a reference to the content of the root struct *)
val init_root : ?message_size:int -> unit -> Bar.t
(** [init_pointer p] initializes an instance of this struct type inside [p]'s message and updates [p] to point to the new struct. This is useful when dealing with AnyPointer fields.
@return a reference to the content of the struct *)
val init_pointer : pointer_t -> t
(** [to_message s] retrieves the underlying message which is used as the backing store for struct [s]. *) val to_message : t -> rw message_t
A struct field `foo` which is of interface type will result in generation of
the following accessors:
(* Assuming that field foo contains interfaces of type Foo... *)
(** The caller is responsible for freeing the result. *)
val foo_get : t -> Foo.t Capability.t option
(** [foo_get_pipelined t] is a capability that can be used to invoke methods
on the object in the [foo] field of [t], which might not have arrived yet.
The caller is responsible for freeing the result. *)
val foo_get_pipelined : struct_t StructRef.t -> Foo.t Capability.t
(** [foo_set t c] sets the field to capability [c], increasing [c]'s ref-count
(i.e. the caller is still responsible for freeing [c]). *)
val foo_set : t -> Foo.t Capability.t option -> unit
Each interface `Foo` generates a module `Foo`. There will be one submodule for
each method, with `Params` and `Results` submodules for any implicit structs
needed for the method arguments and results:
module Reader : sig
module Foo : sig
type t = [`Foo_c36d76740ee15e68]
module MyMethod : sig
module Params : sig
type struct_t = [`MyMethod_b104a8c98610c556]
type t = struct_t reader_t
val arg1_get : t -> string
module Results : sig
type struct_t = [`MyMethod_c6367b042fce8e87]
type t = struct_t reader_t
val result_get : t -> string
module Builder : sig
module Foo : sig
type t = [`Foo_c36d76740ee15e68]
module MyMethod : sig
module Params : sig
type struct_t = [`MyMethod_b104a8c98610c556]
type t = struct_t builder_t
val arg1_set : t -> string -> unit
module Results : sig
type struct_t = [`MyMethod_c6367b042fce8e87]
type t = struct_t builder_t
val result_set : t -> string -> unit
The generated file will also contain `Client` and `Service` top-level modules:
module Client : sig
module Foo : sig
type t = [`Foo_c36d76740ee15e68]
val interface_id : Uint64.t
module MyMethod : sig
module Params = Builder.Foo.MyMethod.Params
module Results = Reader.Foo.MyMethod.Results
val method_id : (t, Params.t, Results.t) Capnp.RPC.MethodID.t
module Service : sig
module Foo : sig
type t = [`Foo_c36d76740ee15e68]
val interface_id : Uint64.t
module MyMethod : sig
module Params = Reader.Foo.MyMethod.Params
module Results = Builder.Foo.MyMethod.Results
class virtual service : object
inherit MessageWrapper.Untyped.generic_service
method virtual my_method_impl :
(MyMethod.Params.t, MyMethod.Results.t) MessageWrapper.Service.method_t
val local : #service -> t MessageWrapper.Capability.t
The `Client` module is for use by clients. Each method links to a *builder* for
the parameters and a *reader* for the results (in the `Service` section they are
the other way around). The client section also includes the method's globally-unique
ID. This is just a `(Uint64.t * int)` pair, but its type gives the type of the
interface and of the request and response structs. Consult your RPC library's
documentation for information about how to call the method.
To implement a service, inherit from the generated virtual service class and
implement the virtual methods. Use the `local` function to export your service
as a capability.
Inheritance is not currently supported.
Generating Code
You will need to[install the Cap\'n Proto compiler].
Once the Cap\'n Proto compiler and capnp-ocaml are both installed, you should be
able to use `capnp compile -o ocaml yourSchemaFile.capnp` in order to generate
`yourSchemaFile.mli` and ``. These modules will link against
the `capnp` library.
Instantiating the Modules
The modules generated by capnp-ocaml are functors which take the underlying
message type as input.
In principle, messages can be stored using any underlying data structure that
satisfies the `Capnp.MessageStorage.S` signature. At present, capnp-ocaml
contains one implementation: `Capnp.BytesStorage` provides message storage in
the form of native OCaml `bytes` buffers, and `Capnp.BytesMessage` provides
a `Message` implementation based on `BytesStorage`. This module makes it easy to
retrieve messages in a format suitable for use with file I/O, socket I/O,
To instantiate your code using BytesMessage, you could use the following
module YSF = YourSchemaFile.Make(Capnp.BytesMessage)
let root_struct = YSF.Builder.Foo.init_root () in
(* ... *)
For certain applications, the overhead associated with OCaml functors may
be problematic. The functors may be eliminated by compiling with an flambda
build of the OCaml compiler (e.g. `opam switch 4.04.1+flambda`) and using the
`@inlined` annotation, like this:
module YSF = YourSchemaFile.Make[@inlined](Capnp.BytesMessage)
You can use the `ocamlopt -inlining-report` option to check that the code has
been inlined. It may also be a good idea to compile with `-O3` if you care
about speed.
I Need to See an Example
There are some simple examples in the[examples] directory.
subdirectories may also be helpful to look at.
The[RPC tutorial] also contains many examples.
capnp-ocaml requires OCaml >= 4.02.
You should be able to install capnp-ocaml with[OPAM] using using `opam install capnp`.
If you prefer to compile manually, you will need jbuilder, Findlib, and OCaml
packages `core_kernel`, `extunix`, `uint`, `ocplib-endian`, and `res`.
Run `jbuilder build` to build both the compiler and the runtime library,
and then use `jbuilder install` to copy them into appropriate places within your
pelzlpj at gmail dot com