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A simple Future (Promise) library for Go.

** Capital One built this project to help our engineers as well as users in the community. We are no longer able to fully support the project. We have archived the project as of Jul 9 2019 where it will be available in a read-only state. Feel free to fork the project and maintain your own version. **

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A simple Future (Promise) library for Go.


Basic usage (wait forever):

package main

import (
  future "github.com/capitalone/go-future-context"

func ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal int) (string, error) {
  //this does something but it's not that important
  return "Hello", nil

func main() {
  inVal := 200
  f := future.New(func() (interface{}, error) {
    return ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal)
  result, err := f.Get()
  fmt.Println(result, err)

Timeout usage (wait for specified amount of time):

package main

import (
	future "github.com/capitalone/go-future-context"

func ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal int) (string, error) {
  //this does something but it's not that important
  return "Hello", nil

func main() {
  inVal := 200
  f := future.New(func() (interface{}, error) {
    return ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal)
  result, timeout, err := f.GetUntil(5 * time.Second)
  fmt.Println(result, timeout, err)

timeout will be true if the timeout was triggered.

  • The future methods Get and GetUntil can be called multiple times.
  • Once the value is calculated, the same value (and error) will be returned immediately.

Chaining usage (invoke a next method if the Promise doesn't return an error):

package main

import (
	future "github.com/capitalone/go-future-context"

func ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal int) (int, error) {
	//this does something but it's not that important
	time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
	return inVal * 2, nil

func main() {
	inVal := 200
	f := future.New(func() (interface{}, error) {
		return ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal)
	}).Then(func(i interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
		return ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(i.(int))

    result, err := f.Get()
    fmt.Println(result, err)

You can use Then to chain together as many promises as you want.

  • If an error is returned at any step along the way, the rest of the calls in the promise chain are skipped.
  • Only the value and error of the last executed promise is returned; all others are lost.

Cancellation (stop waiting for a Get or GetUntil to complete):

package main

import (
	future "github.com/capitalone/go-future-context"

func ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal int) (int, error) {
	//this does something but it's not that important
	time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
	return inVal * 2, nil

func timeIt(f func()) int64 {
	start := time.Now()
	end := time.Now()
	dur := end.Unix() - start.Unix()
	return dur

func main() {
	inVal := 200
	f := future.New(func() (interface{}, error) {
		return ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal)

	go func() {
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
	fmt.Println(timeIt(func() {
		result, err := f.Get()
		fmt.Println(result, err, f.IsCancelled())
  • Calling Cancel after a Get or GetUntil has completed has no effect.
  • Calling Cancel multiple times has no effect.
  • When a future is cancelled, the process continues in the background but any data returned is not accessible.
  • If GetUntil returns due to a timeout, it does not cancel the future. If you wish to cancel based on a GetUntil timeout, do the following:
	f := future.New(func() (interface{}, error) {
		return ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal)
    val, timeout, err := f.GetUntil(2000)
    if timeout {

Context support: Future contains support for the Context interface included in Go 1.7:

package main

import (
	future "github.com/capitalone/go-future-context"

func ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal int) (int, error) {
	//this does something but it's not that important
	time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
	return inVal * 2, nil

func timeIt(f func()) int64 {
	start := time.Now()
	end := time.Now()
	dur := end.Unix() - start.Unix()
	return dur

func main() {
	inVal := 200
	ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(),2*time.Second)

	f := future.NewWithContext(ctx, func() (interface{}, error) {
		return ThingThatTakesALongTimeToCalculate(inVal)

	fmt.Println(timeIt(func() {
		result, err := f.Get()
		fmt.Println(result, err, f.IsCancelled())

When a future is created using NewWithContext, it is cancelled when the Context's Done channel is closed, whether it is closed due to timeout or an explicit call to the CancelFunc returned by the Context factory functions.


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