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Pixiu-autoscaler aims to maintain the HPA automatically for kubernetes resources by annotations.

Pixiu Autoscaler

pixiu-autoscaler 通过为 deployment / statefulset 添加 annotations 的方式,自动维护对应 HorizontalPodAutoscaler 的生命周期.


kubernetes 集群中, 需要先完成 Metrics Server 组件的安装,请参考 Metrics Server

kubectl top node/pod 验证 Metrics Server 已成功安装

# kubectl top node
NAME          CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%
kubez         333m         16%    1225Mi          65%

# kubectl top pod
NAME                     CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
test1-54cd855b77-q67h6   1m           3Mi


The steps can be found in Installation

Getting Started

deployment / statefulsetannotations 中添加所需注释即可自动创建对应的 HPA

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    # 可选,默认 minReplicas 为 1
    hpa.caoyingjunz.io/minReplicas: "2"  # MINPODS
    # 必填
    hpa.caoyingjunz.io/maxReplicas: "6"  # MAXPODS
    # 支持多种 TARGETS 类型,若开启,至少选择一种,可同时支持多个 TARGETS
    # CPU, in cores. (500m = .5 cores)
    # Memory, in bytes. (500Gi = 500GiB = 500 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)

    # 使用率 examples
    cpu.hpa.caoyingjunz.io/targetAverageUtilization: "80"
    memory.hpa.caoyingjunz.io/targetAverageUtilization: "60"

    # 使用值 examples
    cpu.hpa.caoyingjunz.io/targetAverageValue: 600m
    memory.hpa.caoyingjunz.io/targetAverageValue: 60Mi

    # TODO: prometheus 暂不支持
  name: test1
  namespace: default

pixiu-autoscaler-controller 会根据注释的变化,自动同步 HPA 的生命周期.

Copyright 2019 caoyingjun ([email protected]) Apache License 2.0