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Really slow startup with large history file, MCFLY_HISTORY_LIMIT doesn't help

Open dflock opened this issue 3 years ago • 17 comments

I have this in my .bashrc:

eval "$(mcfly init bash)"

Doing . ~/.bashrc takes ~forever. I have no idea how long, because I did ctrl+c after a minute or so. This is a new install. I've tried changing MCFLY_HISTORY_LIMIT=1000, doing rm ~/.mcfly/history.db, etc... still takes ages/doesn't complete. Lots of disk i/o too.

I assume this is because I have a large history file. These are my current bash history related settings:

# History settings
shopt -s histappend # Append to the history file, don't overwrite it
shopt -s cmdhist # Save multi-line commands as one command
export HISTSIZE=-1 # Keeps all history
export HISTFILESIZE=-1 # Infinite file size
export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T ' # Useful timestamp format
export HISTIGNORE="&:[ ]*:exit:clear"
export HISTFILE=~/.bash_eternal_history
# Record each line as it gets issued
[[ "$PROMPT_COMMAND" == *'history -a'* ]] || export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a;$PROMPT_COMMAND"

My ~/.bash_eternal_history file is currently 497.5 KiB, 26,339 lines. It also includes timestamps, so the last bit of it looks like this:

. ~/.bashrc
rm ~/.mcfly/history.db
micro ~/bash/mcfly.bash
micro ~/.bashrc
micro ~/bash/env.bash

If I do this, mcfly starts working:

$ mv ~/.bash_eternal_history ~/_.bash_eternal_history
$ rm ~/.mcfly/history.db
$ . ~/.bashrc

dflock avatar Mar 12 '21 19:03 dflock

Thank you for your report! Did you see any message like McFly: Importing shell history for the first time. This may take a minute or two... in your shell?

cantino avatar Mar 13 '21 06:03 cantino

I just pushed up a change, would you mind checking if that helped?

cantino avatar Mar 13 '21 06:03 cantino

No, didn't get any messages, just sat there grinding the disk and not returning to the prompt.

dflock avatar Mar 13 '21 06:03 dflock

OK, giving it a try. I got the McFly: Importing shell history for the first time. This may take a minute or two... message this time

I'll let it run and tell you how long it takes :)

dflock avatar Mar 13 '21 06:03 dflock

I hope it's not more than a couple minutes.

cantino avatar Mar 13 '21 06:03 cantino

Well... it took from 22:29:55 until 23:22:12, almost an hour.

$ ll ~/.mcfly/history.db

Permissions Size User   Group  Date Modified Name
.rw-r--r--  1.7M duncan duncan 12 Mar 23:22  /home/duncan/.mcfly/history.db 

Not played with it much yet, but it seems to work OK now.

dflock avatar Mar 13 '21 07:03 dflock

I'm glad it finished, but am surprised it took so long! What kind of computer do you have?

cantino avatar Mar 14 '21 18:03 cantino

OS: Xubuntu 20.04.2 LTS x86_64 
Kernel: 5.4.0-66-generic 
Uptime: 17 days, 17 hours, 3 mins 
Packages: 68690 (apt), 53 (flatpak), 1 (snap) 
Shell: bash 5.0.17 
Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080, 1920x1080 
DE: Xfce 4.16 
WM: Xfwm4 
WM Theme: Arc-Dark 
Theme: Arc-Dark [GTK2/3] 
Icons: Papirus-Dark [GTK2/3] 
Terminal: kitty 
Terminal Font: Operator Mono SSm Lig Book 
CPU: Intel i7-6700K (8) @ 4.200GHz 
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 530 
Memory: 38005MiB / 64206MiB 

dflock avatar Mar 15 '21 00:03 dflock

I know it's a fairly large history file, but this workstation should be able to process 26k lines of text in a few seconds, at the very most.

dflock avatar Mar 15 '21 00:03 dflock

Agreed, I think this import process needs to be profiled and optimized.

cantino avatar Mar 15 '21 19:03 cantino

Also, MCFLY_HISTORY_LIMIT doesn't currently affect import, so it makes sense that it didn't help. Should it?

cantino avatar Mar 15 '21 19:03 cantino

Also, MCFLY_HISTORY_LIMIT doesn't currently affect import, so it makes sense that it didn't help. Should it?

It shouldn't be necessary at all, really.

dflock avatar Mar 16 '21 03:03 dflock

Agreed. This should be optimized.

cantino avatar Mar 16 '21 17:03 cantino

I had the same issue and adding a transaction around the insert (#146) fixed it for me. Maybe this can be considered fixed? @dflock can you test with the latest master to see if it's improved?

SafariMonkey avatar May 11 '21 13:05 SafariMonkey

I installed today and the initial import took 12s on a 13 Mb history file.

🕙 2021-08-02 11:10:01  ❯ source ~/.bashrc 
McFly: Importing shell history for the first time. This may take a minute or two...done.

✦2 🕙 2021-08-02 11:10:13  ❯  ls -al ~/.mcfly/history.db ~/.dotfiles/bash/.bash_eternal_history
.rw-r--r-- michaeljoseph staff 13 MB Mon Aug  2 11:15:34 2021  /Users/michaeljoseph/.dotfiles/bash/.bash_eternal_history
.rw-r--r-- michaeljoseph staff 44 MB Mon Aug  2 11:15:34 2021  /Users/michaeljoseph/.mcfly/history.db

michaeljoseph avatar Aug 02 '21 09:08 michaeljoseph

I noticed that running any command in my shell became painfully slow. After some testing, realized that moving the history.db file fixed the issue. 

the db was 13M 

eval "$(mcfly init zsh)"


export MCFLY_FUZZY=2

export MCFLY_RESULTS=2048




Bad3r avatar Feb 12 '23 21:02 Bad3r

My DB is 18M and I haven't had any issues. What kind of computer do you have? It might be nice for us to add execution time logging to the shell scripts.

cantino avatar Feb 26 '23 21:02 cantino