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Multi-Channel Deep Chemogenomic Modeling of Receptor-Ligand Binding Affinity Prediction for Drug Discovery
MDeePred: Multi-Channel Deep Chemogenomic Modeling of Receptor-Ligand Binding Affinity Prediction for Drug Discovery
Motivation: Identification of interactions between bioactive small molecules and target proteins is crucial for novel drug discovery, drug repurposing and uncovering off-target effects. Due to the tremendous size of the chemical space, experimental bioactivity screening efforts require the aid of computational approaches. Although deep learning models have been successful in predicting bioactive compounds, effective and comprehensive featurization of proteins, to be given as input to deep neural networks, remains a challenge.
Results: Here, we present a novel protein featurization approach to be used in deep learning-based compound-target protein binding affinity prediction. In the proposed method, multiple types of protein features such as sequence, structural, evolutionary and physicochemical properties are incorporated within multiple 2-D vectors, which is then fed to state-of-the-art pairwise input hybrid deep neural networks to predict the real-valued compound-target protein interactions. The method adopts the proteochemometric approach, where both the compound and target protein features are employed at the input level to model their interaction. The whole system is called MDeePred and it is a new method to be used for the purposes of computational drug discovery and repositioning. We evaluated MDeePred on well-known benchmark datasets and compared its performance with the state-of-the-art methods. We also performed in vitro comparative analysis of MDeePred predictions with selected kinase inhibitors’ action on cancer cells. MDeePred is a scalable method with sufficiently high predictive performance. The featurization approach proposed here can also be utilized for other protein-related predictive tasks. More information can be obtained from MDeePred journal article.
System architecture of MDeePred
Protein representation approach
Descriptions of folders and files in the MDeePred repository
bin folder includes the source code of MDeePred.
training_files folder contains various traininig/test datasets mostly formatted for observational purposes and for employment in future studies
- Davis contains training data points, features, data splits for Davis dataset based on Setting-1. compound_feature_vectors/ecfp4_normalized.tsv includes ecfp4 features of ligands. dti_datasets/comp_targ_affinity.csv is a csv file where each line is formatted as <compound_id>,<target_id>,<bioactivity_value>. helper_files includes smiles strings and fasta files of ligands and proteins, respectively. target_feature_vectors is for storing target feature vectors which can be downloaded from the following link.
- Davis_Filtered contains training data points, features, data splits for Filtered Davis dataset based on Setting-1. compound_feature_vectors/ecfp4_normalized.tsv includes ecfp4 features of ligands. dti_datasets/comp_targ_affinity.csv is a csv file where each line is formatted as <compound_id>,<target_id>,<bioactivity_value>. helper_files includes smiles strings and fasta files of ligands and proteins, respectively. target_feature_vectors is for storing target feature vectors which can be downloaded from the following link.
- PDBBind_Refined contains training data points, features, data splits for PDBBind Refined dataset based on Setting-2. compound_feature_vectors/ecfp4_normalized.tsv includes ecfp4 features of ligands. dti_datasets/comp_targ_affinity.csv is a csv file where each line is formatted as <compound_id>,<target_id>,<bioactivity_value>. helper_files includes smiles strings and fasta files of ligands and proteins, respectively. target_feature_vectors is for storing target feature vectors which can be downloaded from the following link.
- kinome contains training data points, features, data splits for Kinase dataset based on Setting-2. compound_feature_vectors/ecfp4_normalized.tsv includes ecfp4 features of ligands. dti_datasets/comp_targ_affinity.csv is a csv file where each line is formatted as <compound_id>,<target_id>,<bioactivity_value>. helper_files includes smiles strings and fasta files of ligands and proteins, respectively. target_feature_vectors is for storing target feature vectors which can be downloaded from the following link.
Development and Dependencies
PyTorch 0.4.1
Pandas 0.23.4
Sklearn 0.20
Numpy 1.14.5
How to re-produce performance comparison results for MDeePred and other methods
Clone the Git Repository
Download the target matrices and copy them under target_feature_vectors of the corresponding dataset
Run the below commands for each dataset
Explanation of Parameters
--chln: number of neurons in compound hidden layers (default: 1024_1024)
--tlnaf: number of neurons after flattening target conv layers (default: 256)
--lhln: number of neurons in last two hidden layers before output layer (default: 1024_1024)
--lr:learning rate (default: 0.0001)
--bs: batch size (default: 32)
--td: the name of the training dataset (default: Davis)
--cf: compound features separated by underscore character (default: ecfp4)
--tf: target features separated by underscore character (default: sequencematrix500_ZHAC000103LEQ500_GRAR740104LEQ500_SIMK990101LEQ500_blosum62LEQ500)
--setting: Determines whether to perform 5-fold XV (setting-1) or train-validation-test (setting 2) (default:setting1)
--dropout: dropout rate (default: 0.1)
--epoch: number of epochs (default: 200)
--en: the name of the experiment (default: my_experiment)
For Davis Dataset
python --chln 1024_1024 --tlnaf 256 --lhln 1024_1024 --lr 0.0001 --bs 32 --td Davis --cf ecfp4 --tf sequencematrix500_ZHAC000103LEQ500_GRAR740104LEQ500_SIMK990101LEQ500_blosum62LEQ500 --setting 1 --dropout 0.1 --epoch 200 --en davis_dataset_retraining
For Filtered Davis Dataset
python --chln 1024_1024 --tlnaf 128 --lhln 1024_512 --lr 0.0001 --bs 32 --td Davis_Filtered --cf ecfp4 --tf sequencematrix500_ZHAC000103LEQ500_GRAR740104LEQ500_SIMK990101LEQ500_blosum62LEQ500 --setting 1 --dropout 0.1 --epoch 200 --en davis_filtered_dataset_retraining
For PDBBind Refined Dataset
python --chln 1024_1024 --tlnaf 128 --lhln 1024_512 --lr 0.0001 --bs 32 --td Davis_Filtered --cf ecfp4 --tf sequencematrix500_ZHAC000103LEQ500_GRAR740104LEQ500_SIMK990101LEQ500_blosum62LEQ500 --setting 2 --dropout 0.25 --epoch 200 --en pdbbind_refined_dataset_retraining
For Kinome Dataset
python --chln 1024_1024 --tlnaf 256 --lhln 1024_512 --lr 0.0001 --bs 32 --td Davis_Filtered --cf ecfp4 --tf sequencematrix500_ZHAC000103LEQ500_GRAR740104LEQ500_SIMK990101LEQ500_blosum62LEQ500 --setting 2 --dropout 0.1 --epoch 200 --en kinome_dataset_retraining
Output of the scripts creates a folder under named experiment_name (given as argument --en) under result_files folder. Two files are created under results_files/<experiment_name>: predictions.txt contains predictions for independent test dataset. The other one is named as performance_results.txt which contains the best performance results for each fold (if setting-1 is chosen) or for the test dataset (if setting-2 is chosen). Sample output files for Davis dataset is given under results_files/davis_dataset_my_experiment.
Pre-trained Models
- PyTorch state dictionary for pretrained kinase model is available in here.
- PyTorch state dictionary for pretrained GPCR model is available in here.
If you use MDeePred please consider citing:
Rifaioglu, A. S., Cetin Atalay, R., Cansen Kahraman, D., Doğan, T., Martin, M., & Atalay, V. (2020). MDeePred: Novel Multi-Channel protein featurization for deep learning based binding affinity prediction in drug discovery. Bioinformatics, btaa858 [doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa858].
Copyright (C) 2020 CanSyL
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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