yolo-hand-detection copied to clipboard
Could you provide the training code for this hand detection project?
Could you provide the training code for this hand detection project? Since I want to deploy this project to a mobile platform which only supports the TFlite model. So I want to train this project and save the tflite model.
Thanks very much.
To convert to tflite, check out the following tutorial: https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/converting-a-custom-darknet-model-to-tensorflow-lite-ffdd48d58082
Hey, I would also appreciate it if you could provide the training code for further fine-tuning. I think it was really trained good but it did not detect hand while wearing industrial or normal gloves.
Or at least would you give access to the data set you used for training? Thanks!
As mentioned in the readme, I am not allowed to publish the dataset. The training code is based on the Yolov4 configuration of darknet. Tutorials and information how to setup the training pipeline can be found there.