microk8s copied to clipboard
An error occurred when trying to execute 'sudo ls -1 /snap/bin/' with 'multipass': returned exit code 2.
Please run microk8s inspect
and attach the generated tarball to this issue.
An error occurred when trying to execute 'sudo microk8s.inspect' with 'multipass': returned exit code 1.
Hi there,
I am trying to install microk8s on MAC M1 and it doesn't work. I have 10 Core CPU, 32 GB RAM. And, it's failed with this error as mentioned above
➜ ~ microk8s --help
Usage: microk8s [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
install Installs MicroK8s. Use --cpu, --mem, --disk and --channel to configure your setup.
uninstall Removes MicroK8s
ls: cannot access '/snap/bin/': No such file or directory
An error occurred when trying to execute 'sudo ls -1 /snap/bin/' with 'multipass': returned exit code 2.
We appreciate your feedback. Thank you for using microk8s.
Hi @imoisharma, does the multipass vm run? You should be able to start it with microk8s start
. The VM is not available you should be able to create one by calling microk8s install
Hi @imoisharma, does the multipass vm run? You should be able to start it with
microk8s start
. The VM is not available you should be able to create one by callingmicrok8s install
Hi @ktsakalozos, see the below result
➜ ~ microk8s install
MicroK8s is up and running. See the available commands with `microk8s --help`.
➜ ~ microk8s start
sudo: microk8s.start: command not found
An error occurred when trying to execute 'sudo microk8s.start' with 'multipass': returned exit code 1.
Do you see the multipass VM? What do you see with multipass list
? Can you multipass shell
inside the microk8s-vm? Is microk8s installed inside the VM? What does snap info microk8s
Do you see the multipass VM? What do you see with
multipass list
? Can youmultipass shell
inside the microk8s-vm? Is microk8s installed inside the VM? What doessnap info microk8s
Please find all the information below:
➜ ~ microk8s start
sudo: microk8s.start: command not found
An error occurred when trying to execute 'sudo microk8s.start' with 'multipass': returned exit code 1.
➜ ~ multipass list
Name State IPv4 Image
microk8s-vm Running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
➜ ~ multipass shell
One quick question before we launch … Would you like to help
the Multipass developers, by sending anonymous usage data?
This includes your operating system, which images you use,
the number of instances, their properties and how long you use them.
We’d also like to measure Multipass’s speed.
Send usage data (yes/no/Later)? yes
Thank you!
Launched: primary
Mounted '/Users/mohit.sharma' into 'primary:Home'
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-105-generic aarch64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com
* Management: https://landscape.canonical.com
* Support: https://ubuntu.com/advantage
System information as of Fri Apr 8 10:29:59 AEST 2022
System load: 0.69
Usage of /: 27.1% of 4.68GB
Memory usage: 20%
Swap usage: 0%
Processes: 109
Users logged in: 0
IPv4 address for enp0s1:
IPv6 address for enp0s1: fdb4:7c55:accf:c21f:5054:ff:fee2:5351
0 updates can be applied immediately.
The list of available updates is more than a week old.
To check for new updates run: sudo apt update
ubuntu@primary:~$ snap info microk8s
name: microk8s
summary: Kubernetes for workstations and appliances
publisher: Canonical✓
store-url: https://snapcraft.io/microk8s
contact: https://github.com/ubuntu/microk8s
license: Apache-2.0
description: |
MicroK8s is a small, fast, secure, single node Kubernetes that installs on
just about any Linux box. Use it for offline development, prototyping,
testing, or use it on a VM as a small, cheap, reliable k8s for CI/CD. It's
also a great k8s for appliances - develop your IoT apps for k8s and deploy
them to MicroK8s on your boxes.
snap-id: EaXqgt1lyCaxKaQCU349mlodBkDCXRcg
1.23/stable: v1.23.5 2022-04-01 (3054) 192MB classic
1.23/candidate: v1.23.5 2022-04-01 (3054) 192MB classic
1.23/beta: v1.23.5 2022-04-01 (3054) 192MB classic
1.23/edge: v1.23.5 2022-04-07 (3121) 190MB classic
latest/stable: v1.23.5 2022-04-02 (3054) 192MB classic
latest/candidate: v1.23.5 2022-04-01 (3085) 194MB classic
latest/beta: v1.23.5 2022-04-01 (3085) 194MB classic
latest/edge: v1.23.5 2022-04-07 (3122) 198MB classic
1.24/stable: –
1.24/candidate: –
1.24/beta: v1.24.0-beta.0 2022-04-01 (3086) 194MB classic
1.24/edge: v1.24.0-alpha.4 2022-03-31 (3077) 194MB classic
1.22/stable: v1.22.6 2022-02-06 (2952) 168MB classic
1.22/candidate: v1.22.6 2022-01-27 (2952) 168MB classic
1.22/beta: v1.22.8 2022-04-01 (3060) 168MB classic
1.22/edge: v1.22.8 2022-04-07 (3119) 169MB classic
1.21/stable: v1.21.11 2022-04-01 (3061) 167MB classic
1.21/candidate: v1.21.11 2022-04-01 (3061) 167MB classic
1.21/beta: v1.21.11 2022-04-01 (3061) 167MB classic
1.21/edge: v1.21.11 2022-04-07 (3120) 167MB classic
1.20/stable: v1.20.13 2021-12-08 (2762) 189MB classic
1.20/candidate: v1.20.13 2021-12-08 (2762) 189MB classic
1.20/beta: v1.20.13 2021-12-08 (2762) 189MB classic
1.20/edge: v1.20.14 2022-01-11 (2852) 185MB classic
1.19/stable: v1.19.15 2021-09-30 (2535) 184MB classic
1.19/candidate: v1.19.15 2021-09-29 (2535) 184MB classic
1.19/beta: v1.19.15 2021-09-29 (2535) 184MB classic
1.19/edge: v1.19.16 2022-01-07 (2823) 180MB classic
1.18/stable: v1.18.20 2021-07-18 (2272) 169MB classic
1.18/candidate: v1.18.20 2021-07-12 (2272) 169MB classic
1.18/beta: v1.18.20 2021-07-12 (2272) 169MB classic
1.18/edge: v1.18.20 2021-11-03 (2651) 169MB classic
1.17/stable: v1.17.17 2021-04-03 (1923) 149MB classic
1.17/candidate: v1.17.17 2021-04-03 (1923) 149MB classic
1.17/beta: v1.17.17 2021-04-03 (1923) 149MB classic
1.17/edge: v1.17.17 2021-01-13 (1923) 149MB classic
1.16/stable: v1.16.15 2020-09-11 (1672) 150MB classic
1.16/candidate: v1.16.15 2020-09-03 (1672) 150MB classic
1.16/beta: v1.16.15 2020-09-03 (1672) 150MB classic
1.16/edge: v1.16.15 2020-09-02 (1672) 150MB classic
1.15/stable: v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1305) 144MB classic
1.15/candidate: v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1305) 144MB classic
1.15/beta: v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1305) 144MB classic
1.15/edge: v1.15.11 2020-03-26 (1305) 144MB classic
1.14/stable: v1.14.10 2019-12-20 (1121) 164MB classic
1.14/candidate: ↑
1.14/beta: ↑
1.14/edge: v1.14.10 2020-03-26 (1306) 164MB classic
1.13/stable: v1.13.6 2019-05-20 (580) 173MB classic
1.13/candidate: ↑
1.13/beta: ↑
1.13/edge: ↑
1.12/stable: v1.12.9 2019-06-07 (613) 197MB classic
1.12/candidate: ↑
1.12/beta: ↑
1.12/edge: ↑
1.11/stable: –
1.11/candidate: –
1.11/beta: –
1.11/edge: v1.11.1 2018-07-24 (138) 164MB classic
1.10/stable: –
1.10/candidate: –
1.10/beta: –
1.10/edge: v1.11.1 2018-07-24 (137) 164MB classic```
I do not see the MicroK8s installed in the VM. Could you snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.23/stable
inside the microk8s-vm?
I do not see the MicroK8s installed in the VM. Could you
snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.23/stable
inside the microk8s-vm?
I have installed manually inside the Microk8s-vm
ubuntu@primary:~$ snap info microk8s
name: microk8s
summary: Kubernetes for workstations and appliances
publisher: Canonical✓
store-url: https://snapcraft.io/microk8s
contact: https://github.com/ubuntu/microk8s
license: unset
description: |
MicroK8s is a small, fast, secure, single node Kubernetes that installs on
just about any Linux box. Use it for offline development, prototyping,
testing, or use it on a VM as a small, cheap, reliable k8s for CI/CD. It's
also a great k8s for appliances - develop your IoT apps for k8s and deploy
them to MicroK8s on your boxes.
- microk8s.add-node
- microk8s.cilium
- microk8s.config
- microk8s.ctr
- microk8s.dashboard-proxy
- microk8s.dbctl
- microk8s.disable
- microk8s.enable
- microk8s.helm
- microk8s.helm3
- microk8s.inspect
- microk8s.istioctl
- microk8s.join
- microk8s.juju
- microk8s.kubectl
- microk8s.leave
- microk8s.linkerd
- microk8s
- microk8s.refresh-certs
- microk8s.remove-node
- microk8s.reset
- microk8s.start
- microk8s.status
- microk8s.stop
microk8s.daemon-apiserver: simple, enabled, inactive
microk8s.daemon-apiserver-kicker: simple, enabled, active
microk8s.daemon-cluster-agent: simple, enabled, active
microk8s.daemon-containerd: notify, enabled, active
microk8s.daemon-control-plane-kicker: simple, enabled, inactive
microk8s.daemon-controller-manager: simple, enabled, inactive
microk8s.daemon-etcd: simple, enabled, inactive
microk8s.daemon-flanneld: simple, enabled, inactive
microk8s.daemon-k8s-dqlite: simple, enabled, active
microk8s.daemon-kubelet: simple, enabled, inactive
microk8s.daemon-kubelite: simple, enabled, active
microk8s.daemon-proxy: simple, enabled, inactive
microk8s.daemon-scheduler: simple, enabled, inactive
microk8s.daemon-traefik: simple, enabled, inactive
snap-id: EaXqgt1lyCaxKaQCU349mlodBkDCXRcg
tracking: 1.23/stable
refresh-date: today at 15:27 AEST
1.23/stable: v1.23.5 2022-04-01 (3054) 192MB classic
1.23/candidate: v1.23.5 2022-04-01 (3054) 192MB classic
1.23/beta: v1.23.5 2022-04-01 (3054) 192MB classic
1.23/edge: v1.23.5 2022-04-07 (3121) 190MB classic
latest/stable: v1.23.5 2022-04-02 (3054) 192MB classic
latest/candidate: v1.23.5 2022-04-01 (3085) 194MB classic
latest/beta: v1.23.5 2022-04-01 (3085) 194MB classic
latest/edge: v1.23.5 2022-04-07 (3122) 198MB classic
1.24/stable: –
1.24/candidate: –
1.24/beta: v1.24.0-beta.0 2022-04-01 (3086) 194MB classic
1.24/edge: v1.24.0-alpha.4 2022-03-31 (3077) 194MB classic
1.22/stable: v1.22.6 2022-02-06 (2952) 168MB classic
1.22/candidate: v1.22.6 2022-01-27 (2952) 168MB classic
1.22/beta: v1.22.8 2022-04-01 (3060) 168MB classic
1.22/edge: v1.22.8 2022-04-07 (3119) 169MB classic
1.21/stable: v1.21.11 2022-04-01 (3061) 167MB classic
1.21/candidate: v1.21.11 2022-04-01 (3061) 167MB classic
1.21/beta: v1.21.11 2022-04-01 (3061) 167MB classic
1.21/edge: v1.21.11 2022-04-07 (3120) 167MB classic
1.20/stable: v1.20.13 2021-12-08 (2762) 189MB classic
1.20/candidate: v1.20.13 2021-12-08 (2762) 189MB classic
1.20/beta: v1.20.13 2021-12-08 (2762) 189MB classic
1.20/edge: v1.20.14 2022-01-11 (2852) 185MB classic
1.19/stable: v1.19.15 2021-09-30 (2535) 184MB classic
1.19/candidate: v1.19.15 2021-09-29 (2535) 184MB classic
1.19/beta: v1.19.15 2021-09-29 (2535) 184MB classic
1.19/edge: v1.19.16 2022-01-07 (2823) 180MB classic
1.18/stable: v1.18.20 2021-07-18 (2272) 169MB classic
1.18/candidate: v1.18.20 2021-07-12 (2272) 169MB classic
1.18/beta: v1.18.20 2021-07-12 (2272) 169MB classic
1.18/edge: v1.18.20 2021-11-03 (2651) 169MB classic
1.17/stable: v1.17.17 2021-04-03 (1923) 149MB classic
1.17/candidate: v1.17.17 2021-04-03 (1923) 149MB classic
1.17/beta: v1.17.17 2021-04-03 (1923) 149MB classic
1.17/edge: v1.17.17 2021-01-13 (1923) 149MB classic
1.16/stable: v1.16.15 2020-09-11 (1672) 150MB classic
1.16/candidate: v1.16.15 2020-09-03 (1672) 150MB classic
1.16/beta: v1.16.15 2020-09-03 (1672) 150MB classic
1.16/edge: v1.16.15 2020-09-02 (1672) 150MB classic
1.15/stable: v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1305) 144MB classic
1.15/candidate: v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1305) 144MB classic
1.15/beta: v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1305) 144MB classic
1.15/edge: v1.15.11 2020-03-26 (1305) 144MB classic
1.14/stable: v1.14.10 2019-12-20 (1121) 164MB classic
1.14/candidate: ↑
1.14/beta: ↑
1.14/edge: v1.14.10 2020-03-26 (1306) 164MB classic
1.13/stable: v1.13.6 2019-05-20 (580) 173MB classic
1.13/candidate: ↑
1.13/beta: ↑
1.13/edge: ↑
1.12/stable: v1.12.9 2019-06-07 (613) 197MB classic
1.12/candidate: ↑
1.12/beta: ↑
1.12/edge: ↑
1.11/stable: –
1.11/candidate: –
1.11/beta: –
1.11/edge: v1.11.1 2018-07-24 (138) 164MB classic
1.10/stable: –
1.10/candidate: –
1.10/beta: –
1.10/edge: v1.11.1 2018-07-24 (137) 164MB classic
installed: v1.23.5 (3054) 192MB classic
ubuntu@primary:~$ exit
➜ ~ microk8s install
MicroK8s is up and running. See the available commands with `microk8s --help`.
➜ ~ microk8s --help
Usage: microk8s [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
install Installs MicroK8s. Use --cpu, --mem, --disk and --channel to configure your setup.
uninstall Removes MicroK8s
ls: cannot access '/snap/bin/': No such file or directory
An error occurred when trying to execute 'sudo ls -1 /snap/bin/' with 'multipass': returned exit code 2.
➜ ~
Hi @ktsakalozos, any updates or ideas/recommendations for me?
If you uninstall and reinstall does it work?
The code that is failing is in _get_microk8s_commands
[1] that ends up being a call from the host inside the VM. That call should look something like multipass exec microk8s-vm -- ls -1 /snap/bin
. This should work for you in your machine assuming multipass is successfully installed. Is it possible that multipass is not in your path?
[1] https://github.com/canonical/microk8s/blob/master/installer/cli/microk8s.py#L384 [2] https://github.com/canonical/microk8s/blob/master/installer/vm_providers/_multipass/_multipass_command.py#L228
Hi @ktsakalozos,
I notice one more thing which I am not sure about as I am very new to microk8s as I have used mostly minikube for past development. When I go inside the VM, then I can see the microk8s status and all pods up and running.
But, I can't the microk8s kubectl get pods
command from the mac terminal itself? Is there a way to run everything directly from the mac terminal directly rather than running inside the VM itself?
Also, the above command results
➜ ~```
I have the same issue with installing the microk8s on windows 10 machine. Are there any updates on this?
@imoisharma i think you installed micro8s inside a different machine:
ubuntu@primary:~$ snap info microk8s name: microk8s
This is "primary" not "microk8s-vm"
Happened because you used "multipass shell" instead of "multipass shell microk8s-vm"
In my case that was a DNS connection issue described in multipass documentation.
I guess this issue can be closed
Still happens on MacOS with the following error
> microk8s install
Launched: microk8s-vm
An error occurred when trying to execute 'sudo ping -c 1 snapcraft.io' with 'multipass': returned exit code 1.
Resolved with similar command above
> multipass shell microk8s-vm
ubuntu@microk8s-vm:~$ sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.28/stable
MacOS is still failing. Did everything as from previous comment, but got error:
> microk8s status
microk8s is not running. Use microk8s inspect for a deeper inspection.
An error occurred when trying to execute 'sudo microk8s.status' with 'multipass': returned exit code 1.
Resolved with:
> microk8s reset
Disabling all addons
Disabling addon : core/cert-manager
Disabling addon : core/cis-hardening
> microk8s status
microk8s is running
high-availability: no
datastore master nodes:
datastore standby nodes: none
> mkdir ~/.microk8s
> multipass exec microk8s-vm sudo microk8s config > ~/.microk8s/config
> microk8s kubectl get all --all-namespaces
kube-system pod/calico-kube-controllers-796fb75cc-5gnl7 1/1 Running 0 41m
kube-system pod/calico-node-kdvg5 1/1 Running 0 41m