Chris Aniszczyk

Results 165 issues of Chris Aniszczyk :)

Signed-off-by: Chris Aniszczyk

The CNCF TOC is discussing archiving the rkt project and is discussing the proposal here: The proposal will open for at least 2 weeks of discussion after the maintainers...

In regards to opencontainers/tob#95 If I do a quick audit of all of authors and last commit dates, i.e., git log --pretty=%an%x09%ad | awk -F$'\t' '!seen[$1]++' Tianon Gravi Fri Mar...

I'd like to see a couple new filtering options: 1) if it's a CNCF project or not 2) if it's open source

new feature

Backstage has a notion of plugins: At the moment, they seem to be indexed all via a directory in github: However, the backstage team is interested in potentially...

new feature

GitHub has this info available via their builtin dashboards, e.g., I don't know what the API looks like to pull this but since we have data for stars and...


We require CNCF projects to go through this badging process: This will involve crafting a too

I love this document: However, most of the data around project acceptance dates, sandbox to incubation dates, security audits etcs should live in the landscape.yml and we can create...