Yusuf Canbaz

Results 32 comments of Yusuf Canbaz

Try `cy.zoom(cy.zoom())` it will set the zoom level

@jonng1000 You should not write your application logic code in there. Follow some react.js tutorials, read docs about it. I'm not sure maybe it is because of this. Normal I...

@jonng1000 I tried `this.cy.pan(this.cy.pan());` it was working

> I would like to add styling only to a submenu and not the menu Currently, it does not support this. A menu and submenu are basically the same things,...

This question is very specific usage of this library. Not really an issue with the library itself. The best way to get an answer to this is to ask on...

Hi @matthughes Firstly codesandbox environment is very weird. I created a fork https://codesandbox.io/s/suspicious-fire-ucnnq0?file=/package.json and used 4.1.0 there. When I refresh this on my browser with my account signed in I...

I tried to run a local version with node v10.15.3 and npm 6.14.15. I still get some errors but fixed them by copy-pasting the "imgs" and "fonts" folder into the...

Thank you Max. We disabled the extension to increase performance ;) Is it reasonable to use [batch](https://js.cytoscape.org/#cy.batch) inside the extension for better performance? I might try it. Do you have...

@twilmes For me, ``` import org.janusgraph.graphdb.olap.computer.* a = graph.traversal().withComputer(FulgoraGraphComputer.class) a.V().count() ``` works even slower then `g.V().count`

@li-boxuan I didn't measure the time. I executed it from the gremlin shell and just waited for it. It seems like `SparkGraphComputer` is also slower. It takes 47 seconds to...