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Open Source Advisory Board - Conseil consultatif du logiciel libre
Source document: [ GC Source Code Repo analysis ](https://github.com/canada-ca/OS-Advisory_Conseil-SO/blob/master/en/Working_Group_Tools/gc-source-code-repo.md) 1: Suggest reframing the Options Analysis section, primary question internal v external and the various options to be inline with the...
[CANADA Open Source AdvBrd OSS & Digital Transformation Updated 19 March 2019.pdf](https://github.com/canada-ca/OS-Advisory_Conseil-SO/files/2988048/CANADA.Open.Source.AdvBrd.OSS.Digital.Transformation.Updated.19.March.2019.pdf)
[GoC Hackathon Advisory Board Presentation - 2 - 20 - 2019 final.pptx](https://github.com/canada-ca/OS-Advisory_Conseil-SO/files/2952577/GoC.Hackathon.Advisory.Board.Presentation.-.2.-.20.-.2019.final.pptx)
A new assessment has been uploaded and requires peer review by the community. New Assessment: [PostgreSQL](https://github.com/canada-ca/OS-Advisory_Conseil-SO/blob/master/Assessments/Databases/PostGreSQL.md)
I think we would need a machine readable format for the assessments like for #112 .
An assessment template has been put together for [Drupal](https://github.com/canada-ca/OS-Advisory_Conseil-SO/blob/master/Assessments/Content%20Management%20Systems/Drupal.md). Assessment is still required.
Relational Databases: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/solutions/architecture/?query=postgresql https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/solutions/architecture/?query=mysql NoSQL: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/reference-architectures/n-tier/n-tier-cassandra https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/solutions/architecture/?query=redis Big Data: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/solutions/architecture/?query=spark
## 📝 What This issue captures annotated notes from a meeting where the purpose was: - to start a discussion on how to optimize the Open Source Advisory Board (OSAB)...
We need to have end-user ready format of the content of the OSAB: - Minutes: - OSAB - Working Groups - Assessments etc.
I'm wondering if an alternate approach is just a catelog like https://code.gov/ I do think that there should be an offer of a platform internally that internal groups can collaborate...