camunda-bpmn.js copied to clipboard
typeError: r is null
I have met a tough problem. I have one bpmn xml file which can be rendered by camunda-bpmn.js vey well, HOWEVER, another bpmn xml file which is generated from the same model but with a different version of parser, can not be rendered and in firebug it shows the error "typeError: r is null".
After roughly analysing the two xml files, I find that in the first xml file it contains only <dataObject> but in the second xml file it contains both <dataObject>
and <dataObjectReference>
. Is that where the error occurs?
Here is another difference.
There is one serviceTask and I copy the xml pieces here. I am not sure if here is where the problem happens.
the xml file which can not be rendered is shown below.
<serviceTask activiti:async="true" activiti:class="com.oneandone.coredev.swistec.psi.binding.activiti.ExecuteServiceAdapterDelegate" completionQuantity="1" id="PSItaskeventmerger" isForCompensation="false" name="PSI task event merger" startQuantity="1" uipcpmeta:originType="task">
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue="#FF9900" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="taskrelatedriskcontrol" metaValue="" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="psiconfiguration" metaValue="" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="communicationtype" metaValue="" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="adaptertype" metaValue="PSI Java Adapter" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="adapterconfiguration" metaValue="" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="adapterclassname" metaValue="com.oneandone.access.hads.lho.process.eventhandling.TaskEventMergerAdapter" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="synchronousexecutionjbpm" metaValue="" />
<activiti:field name="serviceAdapter">
<ioSpecification id="ioSpecification">
<dataInput id="dataInput" />
<dataOutput id="dataOutput" />
<inputSet id="DefaultInputSet" name="DefaultInputSet">
<outputSet id="DefaultOutputSet" name="DefaultOutputSet">
<dataInputAssociation id="dataInputAssociation">
<dataOutputAssociation id="dataOutputAssociation">
where you can see like <ioSpecification>
and <inputSet>
are not shown in the xml piece below.
the xml file which can be rendered is shown below.
<serviceTask activiti:async="true" activiti:class="com.oneandone.coredev.swistec.psi.binding.activiti.ExecuteServiceAdapterDelegate" completionQuantity="1" id="PSItaskeventmerger" isForCompensation="false" name="PSI task event merger" startQuantity="1" uipcpmeta:originType="task">
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue="#FF9900" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="taskrelatedriskcontrol" metaValue="" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="psiconfiguration" metaValue="" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="communicationtype" metaValue="" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="adaptertype" metaValue="PSI Java Adapter" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="adapterconfiguration" metaValue="" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="adapterclassname" metaValue="com.oneandone.access.hads.lho.process.eventhandling.TaskEventMergerAdapter" />
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="synchronousexecutionjbpm" metaValue="" />
<activiti:field name="serviceAdapter">
<dataInputAssociation id="dataInputAssociation">
<dataOutputAssociation id="dataOutputAssociation">
Hi kant1981,
this seems to be a Bug / Limitation whatever you might call it :)
Thanks for reporting. Could you maybe provide the stacktrace of the error?
...t){var n=e.getStyle(),r=e.getBounds(),s=+r.x,a=+r.y,f=+r.width,l=+r.height,c=o[e...
here is where the shit happens
if you want, I can attach the whole xml, then you can do a complete analysis on the problem.
By the way, I have found another small problem on this js, that if the name of a task contains one or more full stop, then this task can not be annotated. Should I open a new issue for that, or?