fortran-src copied to clipboard
Double array access is not lexed
program example
arr(1)(1:1) = x
end program example
Need to check if this is even valid Fortran.
I've seen this used in some of corpus. Here is an example which (for what its worth) is accepted by gfortran:
program dubsub
implicit none
character(5), dimension(10) :: x
x(1)(1:3) = 'a'
end program
Just because compiler handle it doesn't necessarily mean it is valid Fortran. Though this probably is. There is a grammatical reason that I didn't resolve it earlier. I will attend to it when I can.
I think this might be a Fortran 90 feature. In the FORTRAN 77 standard section 5.3 suggests that we have to have an array name as the subject of a subcript a (s [,s])
In Fortran 90, an array element is a 'data-ref' followed by zero or more subscripts (Section 6.2.2) and a data-ref can be a subscript expression itself (Section 6.1.2) (
If x
is a rank-1 character array, x(1)(1:3)
is valid Fortran 77 code for a substring formed by the first 3 characters of the element of the array with index 1.
If x
is not a rank-1 character array, I can't think of any valid meaning of the expression x(1)(1:3)
Please bear in mind that section 5.3 of the Fortran 77 standard is about array elements - character substrings are discussed in section 5.7, see #63. The corresponding part of the Fortran 90 standard is section 6.1.1.