Duplicate-to-All icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Duplicate-to-All copied to clipboard

A Photoshop script that duplicates the currently selected layers to every open document

Duplicate to All is a Photoshop script that duplicates the currently selected layer(s) to every open document.


Save the javascript to your application’s Scripts folder.

  • Windows (32 bit)*: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Photoshop \Presets\Scripts\
  • Windows (64 bit)*: C:\Program Files\Adobe Photoshop \Presets\Scripts\
  • Mac: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop <CS*/CC*>/Presets/Scripts/


  1. Restart Photoshop if you have not already done so. You can find the script at File > Scripts > Duplicate-To-All

  2. Open all the documents that you wish to duplicate the layer into, as well as the document in which the layer exists.

  3. Select the layer(s) you’d like to duplicate, and run the script. The layer(s) will be duplicated into every open document.