Cameron Kroeker
Cameron Kroeker
Hi @Ayushyadav19, Looks like it is getting stuck here: The default `node['tomcat']['firewalld']['init_cmd']` attribute is set to execute: ``` firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=0-65535/tcp. ``` This opens all ports, which could...
Hi @Ayushyadav19, The cookbooks use the built in tool to stop the service after the setup completes, so that later it can start the portal service using systemd. Looks...
Hi @Ayushyadav19, For the 412 "Precondition Failed" error, could you provide the stacktrace.out? There could be useful or helpful information in there. Thanks, Cameron K.
Hi @Ayushyadav19, The cookbooks do not currently have this capability, which is why you are not finding any parameter/attributes for it. I'll mark this as an enhancement request for it...
Hi @srini1984, Try setting the `node['arcgis']['configure_cloud_settings']`attribute in your json configuration file to false: `node['arcgis']['configure_cloud_settings']` = If set to true, makes the cookbook use the cloud provider specific ArcGIS Enterprise configuration....
Hi @ramtechjoe, Could you try using semicolons to separate the portal urls? Perhaps something like this: ``` "portal_list": ";" ``` Thanks, Cameron K.
Hi @simongis, Support for the ArcGIS Data Store - Object Store type has not been added to the cookbooks yet. Thanks, Cameron K.
Support for the ArcGIS Data Store - Object Store type has been added: **Template:** - :// - **Cookbooks:** - Thanks, Cameron K.
Hi @vassilo, ArcGIS Server doesn't support specifying a specific container. Let's try removing the`/hosting-config-store` from the UserName attribute value. For example: ```json "ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount":{ "UserName": "", "Password": "", "CloudStorageType": "AzureBlob", "CloudNamespace":...
Hi @vassilo, Looks like in the json config the `AzureBlobAuthenticationType` is set to `AccessKey` rather than ServicePrincipalName. Here is an example for ServicePrincipalName: ```json "ConfigStoreCloudStorageAccount":{ "UserName": "", "CloudStorageType": "AzureBlob", "AzureBlobAuthenticationType":...