Covid19 copied to clipboard
This project will contain ongoing work for modelling related to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 crisis.
How to run
First off you need to ensure that you have Julia installed. If you do not, head over to the official JuliaLang website and follow their instructions. Note that this project requires Julia v1.3 or higher.
Assuming your working directory is the project directory, you run the following from your shell:
julia --project
Alternatively, if you have DrWatson.jl
installed in your global scope, you can do
using DrWatson
Then to ensure that you have the correct dependencies installed, once you're inside the Julia REPL you can do
using Pkg
This will download and install the required packages. Once that is finished, you can import Covid19
using Covid19
The package is structed such that we have dedicated sub-modules within the package for different projects, models, and analysis we're running. At the time of writing (ImperialReport13
In addition, for certain files (in particular some of the larger files, e.g. most of the files in the out/
folder) you'll need git-lfs to download.
This submodules focuses on replicating and possibly extending the work over at using Turing.jl
. Therefore, for a detailed description of the model implemented in addition to analysis of both the model and the resulting inference we refer to their repository and the related paper.
This section gives you a quick overview of how to get up and running with this particular model. You can find a more detailed walk-through of the process in notebooks/
Alternatively, to sample from the model with preset parameters, you can run the scripts/01-imperial-report13.jl
How to run
Assuming you've taken the steps in the "How to run" section above, you can load the processed data related to this submodule by running
using DrWatson
data = ImperialReport13.load_data(datadir("imperial-report13", "processed.rds"));
This returns a ImperialReport13.Data
struct, from which you can access different parts of the loaded data.
country_to_dates = data.country_to_dates
Dict{String,Array{Date,1}} with 14 entries:
"Sweden" => Date[2020-02-18, 2020-02-19, 2020-02-20, 2020-02-21, 2020…
"Belgium" => Date[2020-02-18, 2020-02-19, 2020-02-20, 2020-02-21, 2020…
"Greece" => Date[2020-02-19, 2020-02-20, 2020-02-21, 2020-02-22, 2020…
"Switzerland" => Date[2020-02-14, 2020-02-15, 2020-02-16, 2020-02-17, 2020…
"Germany" => Date[2020-02-15, 2020-02-16, 2020-02-17, 2020-02-18, 2020…
"United_Kingdom" => Date[2020-02-12, 2020-02-13, 2020-02-14, 2020-02-15, 2020…
"Denmark" => Date[2020-02-21, 2020-02-22, 2020-02-23, 2020-02-24, 2020…
"Norway" => Date[2020-02-24, 2020-02-25, 2020-02-26, 2020-02-27, 2020…
"France" => Date[2020-02-07, 2020-02-08, 2020-02-09, 2020-02-10, 2020…
"Portugal" => Date[2020-02-21, 2020-02-22, 2020-02-23, 2020-02-24, 2020…
"Spain" => Date[2020-02-09, 2020-02-10, 2020-02-11, 2020-02-12, 2020…
"Netherlands" => Date[2020-02-14, 2020-02-15, 2020-02-16, 2020-02-17, 2020…
"Italy" => Date[2020-01-27, 2020-01-28, 2020-01-29, 2020-01-30, 2020…
"Austria" => Date[2020-02-22, 2020-02-23, 2020-02-24, 2020-02-25, 2020…
For convenience we can extract the some of the loadeded data into global variables:
countries = data.countries;
num_countries = length(data.countries);
covariate_names = data.covariate_names;
lockdown_index = findfirst(==("lockdown"), covariate_names)
# Need to pass arguments to `pystan` as a `Dict` with different names, so we have one instance of the inputs tailored for `Stan` and one for `Turing.jl`
stan_data = data.stan_data;
turing_data = data.turing_data;
With this, we can instantiate the model from ImperialReport13
# Model instantance used to for inference
m_no_pred = ImperialReport13.model(
false # <= DON'T predict
To sample and load chains we need to also import Turing.jl
using Turing
And choose a set of parameters:
parameters = (
warmup = 1000,
steps = 3000
To perform inference for the model we would simply run the code below:
chains_posterior = sample(m_no_pred, NUTS(parameters.warmup, 0.95; max_depth=10), parameters.steps + parameters.warmup)
It's worth noting that it takes quite a while to run. Performing inference using NUTS
using 1000
steps for warmup/adaptation and 3000
sampling steps takes ~1.5-2hrs on a 6-core computer with JULIA_NUM_THREADS = 6
(or ~2.5-4.5 hrs using a single-thread; high-variance because we're using NUTS). If you want to look at the results of such runs, you can find chains which we have run in the out/
directory. To load these chains, you can do
outdir() = projectdir("out")
outdir(args...) = projectdir("out", args...)
filenames = [
relpath(outdir(s)) for s in readdir(outdir())
if occursin(savename(parameters), s) && occursin("seed", s)
chains_posterior_vec = [read(fname, Chains) for fname in filenames]; # Read the different chains
chains_posterior = chainscat(chains_posterior_vec...); # Concatenate them
chains_posterior = chains_posterior[1:3:end]; # <= Thin so we're left with 1000 samples
Predictive posterior
Now, since we want to look at predictions, we simply re-instantiate the model with the predict
argument set to true
# Model instance used for prediction
m = ImperialReport13.model(
true # <= predict
This package provides a convenient method for computing generated quantities from a Turing.Model
using the given Chains
generated_quantities(m::Turing.Model, c::MCMCChains.Chains)
Executes `m` for each of the samples in `c` and returns an array of the values returned by the `m` for each sample.
## Examples
Often you might have additional quantities computed inside the model that you want to inspect, e.g.
@model function demo(x)
# sample and observe
θ ~ Prior()
x ~ Likelihood()
return interesting_quantity(θ, x)
m = demo(data)
chain = sample(m, alg, n)
# To inspect the `interesting_quantity(θ, x)` where `θ` is replaced by samples from the posterior/`chain`:
generated_quantities(m, chain) # <= results in a `Vector` of returned values from `interesting_quantity(θ, x)`
Therefore we can take the chains_posterior
we obtained from
# `vectup2tupvec` simply converts a vector of tuples (which is returned by `generated_quantities`) into a tuple of vectors
generated_posterior = vectup2tupvec(generated_quantities(m, chains_posterior));
# For convenience we extract the different computed estimates
daily_cases_posterior, daily_deaths_posterior, Rt_posterior, Rt_adj_posterior = generated_posterior;
As an example, we can look at the predictive posterior for UK:
uk_index = findfirst(==("United_Kingdom"), countries)
ImperialReport13.country_prediction_plot(data, uk_index, daily_cases_posterior, daily_deaths_posterior, Rt_posterior; main_title = "(posterior)")