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naming convention for weather data files?
How am I supposed to name weather data files that I store in public/data so the program will read them. I figured it out for the folder current and for different altitude but I don't know how to name the files and create the folder so it reads different dates.
I figured it out for dates use public\data\weather"year""month""day""year"-wind-"idpart1"-"idpart2"-gfs-1.0
Is it right that public/data/weather/20190226/00-wind-surface-level-gfs-1.0.json but it doesn't work. Anyone, please tell me exactly file format.
I guess i had left out some slashes in the original solution I am pretty sure its should like like the following although my current path structure has been changed at this point so I can't confirm:
public/data/weather/year/month/day/hour-wind-"idpart1"-"pressure_level"-gfs-1.0.json so an example "public/data/weather/2019/02/26/0000-wind-level-gfs-1.0.json" or "public/data/weather/2019/02/26/0600-wind-isobaric-850hPa-gfs-1.0.json"
Thank you so much :)