StorjMonitor copied to clipboard
error: invalid farmer data (2)
my storj started reporting negative delta (-40ms) after changing the time sync to and then the storjmonitor reported:
ERROR {"error":"Invalid farmer data... (2)"}
can you help?
[running windows 10 enterprise n ltsb latest and storjgui latest]
This error occurs when the monitor don't send numeric value in "spaceUsedBytes". How much data does the StorjShare UI say that you have stored?
Ok good to know. Users would get this on new nodes. I can work up a PR to catch this response and provide a 'friendly error message' if you like. Are there any other scenarios when this invalid farmer data error would occur?
This issue is common when the Storj monitor runs before the Storjshare load command finished collecting the real used space. For bigger nodes this can take minutes. When starting the monitor shortly after, the first report will end up with this error above
I have two nodes on the same machine and the second node has this problem. Moreover, in the UIweb, I am invited to install the monitor ..
@ziomik Can you please attach a screenshot of your error and your StorjShare? Thanks!
[17:08:36] 4b5534fd5a5bbd2ee5e36c0a3f25e5585**** | Submit to Storjstat
[17:08:37] fb46e8d6e8a417ff9ba8b6a61eee227249****| Submit to Storjstat
[17:08:37] 0962ec2fd8a6923d20cda5e0651b71b7**** | Submit to Storjstat
[17:08:37] dcb0639a1baec2f7e5aa65d3380a8f09**** | Submit to Storjstat
[17:08:37] ERROR {"error":"Invalid farmer data (spaceUsedBytes)"}
[17:08:37] ERROR {"error":"Invalid farmer data (spaceUsedBytes)"}
[17:08:37] ERROR {"error":"Invalid farmer data (spaceUsedBytes)"}
[17:08:37] ERROR {"error":"Invalid farmer data (spaceUsedBytes)"}
@ziomik How long do your nodes run? The Error you get is normal if you start the nodes and there is no shared value yet, as stated above. Thats not the issue of the monitor itself.
First node 3 months: in fact, after 20 minutes, I get:
[17:23:37] 4b5534fd5a5bbd2ee5e36c0a3f25e55859a5**** | Success
Second is active for 1 day e others 2 for a few hours..
@ziomik I mean did you restart or start them recently? The Database is checked for the shared value. If thats not finished the value isnt there and it shows the above error. If the value dont show up after a few minutes its clearly an issue of your Node and you should ask for help on the community chat of Storj at
I turned off the first node, which had been active for 2 months, as I added 3 more nodes. I restarted all the nodes one at a time and then I started Storjmonitor. I'll wait a few more hours to see if it resolves. Thank you.
my node is running since 4 days
Status : on Uptime : 4d 22h 7m 31s Restarts : 0 Peers : 82 Bridges : Connected Allocs : 25 (2 received) Shared : ... (...%) Delta : 15ms Port : 4000 UPnP
and the js says
12:33:19] c9ea1f76fbdf07ea4e83afe1fb05afc5eb9c6991 | Submit to Storjstat [12:33:20] ERROR {"error":"Invalid farmer data (spaceUsedBytes)"}
@katian You dont have any shared, thats why it has invalid data. It already states that in the error.. Further your node isnt setup correctly, please ask here for assistance:
Sorry to reignite the thread. Since my node is entirely new, I don't have any shards or data used as the above state. Does this prohibit me using this service as no information is being displayed? Such as response time or reputation. I edited the JS to change the two values from "..." to a number but since I don't know what the server is expecting it is hard to edit.