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AlgoDaily copied to clipboard

just for fun


I guess doing algorithms every day is a long-term investment in my life


  • golang, python, js

Target topics

  • Binary Search
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Tree(Binary Tree, N-aray Tree, Trie, Binary Indexed Tree, Segment Tree)
  • Graph(Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Floyd Warshall, Union Find, Kruskal, Prim's, Minimum Spanning Tree, Topological Ordering, Tarjan...etc)
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Array(Line Sweep, Partitionnig)
  • Sorting
  • Heap
  • Hash Table
  • Linked list
  • Bit Operation
  • Backtracking
  • Dynamic programming(Kadan, Knapsack, Binary Lifting...etc)
  • Math (Reservoir Sampling, Rejection Sampling...etc)
  • and more...

Questions from

My other related repos


  • I have been doing this every day since September 1st, 2018
  • On Sep 17th, 2019, day 381, I joined eBay
  • On May 27th, 2021, day 1000
  • On June 1st, 2021, day 1004, I joined Facebook
const start = new Date("09/01/2018"); const now = new Date(); console.log(Math.ceil((now - start) / (1000 * 3600 * 24)));
  • Day 1 - 100
  • Day 101 - 200
  • Day 201 - 300
  • Day 301 - 400
  • Day 401 - 500
  • Day 501 - 600
  • Day 601 - 700
  • Day 701 - 800
  • Day 801 - 900
  • Day 901 - 1000
  • Day 1001 - 1100
  • Day 1101 - 1200
  • Day 1201 - 1300
  • Day 1301 - 1400
Day Question Type From remarks
1401 Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph graph leetcode 2316
1402 Maximum XOR After Operations brain teaser leetcode 2317
1403 Check if Matrix Is X-Matrix math leetcode 2319
1404 Game With Sticks math codeforces 451a
1405 Decode the Message math leetcode 2325
1406 Find Minimum Time to Finish All Jobs II sort leetcode 2323
1407 Spiral Matrix IV math leetcode 2326
1408 Number of Increasing Paths in a Grid dynamic programming leetcode 2328
1409 Valid Palindrome IV 2 pointers leetcode 2330
1410 Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree recursion leetcode 2331
1411 Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups heap, math leetcode 2335
1412 Smallest Number in Infinite Set hashtable, heap leetcode 2336
1413 Move Pieces to Obtain a String greedy leetcode 2337
1414 A and B and Compilation Errors hashtable codeforces 519b
1415 Ilya and Queries array codeforces 313b
1416 Lecture hashtable codeforces 499b
1417 Minimum Adjacent Swaps to Make a Valid Array array leetcode 2340
1418 Maximum Number of Pairs in Array hashtable leetcode 2341
1419 Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits hashtable, sort leetcode 2342
1420 Minimum Deletions to Make Array Divisible math leetcode 2344
1421 Odd Divisor math codeforces 1475
1422 Equal Candies array codeforces 1676b
1423 File Name array codeforces 978b
1424 Best Poker Hand hashtable leetcode 2347
1425 First Letter to Appear Twice hashtable leetcode 2351
1426 Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays math leetcode 2348
1427 Design a Number Container System hashtable, sort leetcode 2349
1428 Equal Row and Column Pairs hashtable leetcode 2352
1429 Same Differences hashtable codeforces 1520d
1430 Same Differences hashtable codeforces 466c
1431 Make Array Zero by Subtracting Equal Amounts hashtable leetcode 2357
1432 Maximum Number of Groups Entering a Competition binary search leetcode 2358
1433 Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes graph leetcode 2359
1434 Dijkstra? graph codeforces 20c classic ⭐️
1435 Minimum Costs Using the Train Line dynamic programming leetcode 2361
1436 Chewbaсca and Number math codeforces 514a
1437 Party graph codeforces 115a
1438 Merge Similar Items hashtable, sort leetcode 2363
1439 Count Number of Bad Pairs hashtable leetcode 2364
1440 Task Scheduler II hashtable leetcode 2365 ⭐️ good questioin
1441 Number of Arithmetic Triplets hashtable leetcode 2367 ⭐️ good question
1442 Reachable Nodes With Restrictions graph leetcode 2368
1443 George and Accommodation math codeforces 467a
1444 Largest Local Values in a Matrix array leetcode 2373
1445 Node With Highest Edge Score graph leetcode 2374
1446 Construct Smallest Number From DI String greedy leetcode 2375 ⭐️
1447 Minimize Maximum Value in a Grid heap leetcode 2371 ⭐️
1448 In Search of an Easy Problem array codeforces 1030a
1449 HQ9+ string codeforces 133a
1450 Dubstep string codeforces 208a
1451 Football hashtable codeforces 43a
1452 Basic Calculator II string leetcode 227 ⭐️ re-visit for the optimal solution
1453 Shortest Path In Matrix graph n/a ⭐️ classic graph question