Calvin Brown
Calvin Brown
I am also running into this issue! Any help would be appreciated.
It could possibly look something like this ``` refresh_rate: 30 seconds appenders: stdout: kind: console encoder: kind: json pattern: "{d(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} - {m}{t}{T}{n}" root: level: info appenders: - stdout ```
I am, but my time may be odd the next couple week so if someone wants to pick it up that's fine.
Sorry, been away for a while. I still think this would be a great thing to have. Everyone else still interested @estk @Ruijuan-Cao ?
@dhui What can we do to get this branch merged? Is there anything I can help with?
@dhui @mattes @dimag-jfrog @kmuratov @taywrobel Figured i'd ping the masses here, i'd love it if we can get this PR moving, is there any way I can help here? It...
Just wanted to give a +1 on this, coming from cats and Scala this map implementation had me scratching my head a bit.
Java IO file takes a URI, could we use that?