Calvin Brown
Calvin Brown
I can try and take files if that would be okay!
IMO, writing a new file would be a good exercise, I also agree that your stdio ones would be good too!
@MonkeyToiletLadder Would you mind copy/pasting the error you're getting here? And possibly what `rustc --version` and `cargo --version` return?
@Joshfairhead @kellda @fmoko I don't see a `` in the exercises folder, am I missing something? 😄
Did it get removed? I'm having trouble finding it in `main`
@fmoko Ah, I see. Thank you!
@peterhuene Is this still available to be picked up? it doesn't look to bad from here.
@peterhuene No worries!
Looking back through old issues this one is pretty old! But possibly the the usefulness is still here? Looking at client docs, there isn't a section on how to...
This is a very common use case :) I'd love to see this available.