Calum Chamberlain
Calum Chamberlain
Yup, that's it - I'm hoping that it would be simple for people to use as well - its the only bit of the processing functions that I would say...
Playing around more with this, I don't think the context manager fits and I'm just going to expose the (previously "private") gap handling functions.
Working on adding custom processing functions [here](
One thing that I would like to be able to do is have a template with all the information in it, but only use certain channels for detection, then all...
While this is open - other things that I want to do include: 1. Moving away from using obspy `Event` objects for `Detection`s - there should be a way to...
Definitely a "feature" not a bug :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: But yes, would be great to check the full seed-id. As stated on gitter, a key here will be in doing this change...
I definitely intend to weight individual channels of individual templates in the same way that fast_matched_filter can. This is supported by these commits (I think!). The array correlation functions that...
I'm finding it hard to remember where this comes from: can you point to the code lines that cause this, and what lines you propose to change?
I don't think this can work in the way EQcorrscan currently defines templates: events are not strictly required for templates, and event then, events do not have to have an...
A template made using the `from_sac` method will not have an event associated with it, a template instantiated without using a `construct` method does not have to have an event...