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[iOS] Update the module interface import location generated by CodeGen.
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Shouldn't we update the {%- %}.h
from this :
#import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
@interface <%- -%> : NSObject <RCTBridgeModule>
to this :
#import "RN<%- -%>Spec.h"
#import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
@interface <%- -%> : NSObject <Native<%- -%>Spec>
@interface <%- -%> : NSObject <RCTBridgeModule>
And also delete these lines from {%- %}.mm
#import "RN<%- -%>Spec.h"
Find my argument here ⬇️
Today If I define a new method (on JS side) in my turbo module interface Native{%- %}.ts
, codegen generate new files. But I do not have in xCode any warning or error that tell me to implement this new method.
With my proposal, we now have a warning message inside xCode to generate automatically the function that is missing.
What to you think about it ? Am I missing something ?
Hello, thank you for opening this question.
I've tested your proposition and it seems to work for old architecture. However, for the new architecture, Xcode seems to ignore used macros(RCT_REMAP_METHOD) and still complaining about not conform protocol.
I'm not an expert on Objective-C if you have an idea how to workaround this please let us know. We are open to all suggestions :)
@MateWW Good point !
I'm also not an expert but this is the workaround I found ⬇️
Inside {%- %}.mm
@implementation MyModule
* With my proposal Xcode tells you that you do not have implemented this method.
* It generates it for you with correct typing etc ...
- (void)myMethod:(NSNumber)param {
* You create your implementation here.
* This method will be called for the new architecture.
* You do not have code generation here but you define "by hand" the RCT_REMAP_METHOD
RCT_REMAP_METHOD(myMethod, param:(NSNumber)param)
* Call here the method previously defined ⬆️
[self myMethod:param]; // <= It will be called if new architecture is off.
// ...
What do you think ? 😁
It looks promising, give me a few more days to consult that with someone from the team. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Hi @MateWW 👋
Do you have any feedback ?
Hi @taboulot, I have discussed that with @satya164 and @BartoszKlonowski. It seems to be very useful and we would like to have it. Would you like to open PR with this change?
Hi @MateWW,
Thank you for the feedback.
Yes sure no problem. I will do it before the end of this WE.