SunWellCore copied to clipboard
Incense for the Festival Schorlings
-- Horde Honor the Flame Quests
DELETE FROM creature_queststarter
WHERE quest
IN (11821,11836,11856,11838,11843);
DELETE FROM creature_questender
WHERE quest
IN (11847,11849,11854);
INSERT INTO creature_questender
, quest
(25932, 11849), -- Feralas
(25930, 11847), -- Dustwallow marsh
(25937, 11854); -- Nagrand
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Durotar flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Mulgore flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Barrens flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Tanaris flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Ashenvale flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Winterspring flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Desolace flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Thousand Needles flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Feralas flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Dustwallow Marsh flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Silithus flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Stonetalon Mountains flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Hellfire Peninsula flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Shadowmoon Valley flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Nagrand flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Netherstorm flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Blades Edge Mountains flame! ' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Terokkar flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Zangarmarsh flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Zul''Drak flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Borean Tundra flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Sholazar Basin flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Dragonblight flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Crystalsong Forest flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Storm Peaks flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Grizzly Hills flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Howling Fjords flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Ghostland flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Eversong woods flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Hillsbrad Foothills flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Swamp of sorrows flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Cape of Stranglethorn flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Burning Steppes flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Hinterlands flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Silverpine Forest flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Tirisfal Glades flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Badlands flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Arathi Highlands flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33356 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
-- Alliance Honor the Flame Quests
DELETE FROM creature_questender
WHERE quest
IN (11805,11812,11815,11834,11833,11831,11817,11811,11806,11809,11826,11824,11826,11827,11819,11583,11828,11816,11810,11808,11804,11832,11813,11814,11820,11822,13485,13487,13489,13488,13492,13490,13486,13491,11823,11821,11830,11818,11825,11807,11829);
INSERT INTO creature_questender
, quest
(25883, 11805), -- Ashenvale
(25894, 11812), -- Desolace
(25897, 11815), -- Dustwallow Marsh
(25917, 11834), -- Winterspring
(25916, 11833), -- Tanaris
(25914, 11831), -- Silithus
(25899, 11817), -- Feralas
(25893, 11811), -- Darkshore
(25888, 11806), -- Azuremyst Isle
(25891, 11809), -- Bloodmyst Isle
(25906, 11824), -- Teldrassil
(25908, 11826), -- The Hinterlands
(25909, 11827), -- The Western Plaguelands
(25901, 11819), -- Hillsbrad Foothills
(25910, 11583), -- Westfall
(25911, 11828), -- Wetlands
(25898, 11816), -- Elwynn Forest
(25892, 11810), -- Burning Steppes
(25890, 11808), -- Blasted Lands
(25887, 11804), -- Arathi Highlands
(25915, 11832), -- Cape of Stranglethorn
(25895, 11813), -- Dun Morogh
(25896, 11814), -- Duskwood
(25902, 11820), -- Loch Modan
(25904, 11822), -- Redridge Mountains
(32801, 13485), -- Borean Tundra
(32803, 13487), -- Dragonblight
(32805, 13489), -- Grizzly Hills
(32804, 13488), -- Howling Fjord
(32808, 13492), -- Zul'Drak
(32806, 13490), -- The Storm Peaks
(32802, 13486), -- Sholazar Basin
(32807, 13491), -- Crystalsong Forest
(25905, 11823), -- Shadowmoon Valley
(25903, 11821), -- Nagrand
(25913, 11830), -- Netherstorm
(25900, 11818), -- Hellfire Peninsula
(25907, 11825), -- Terokkar
(25889, 11807), -- Blade's Edge
(25912, 11829); -- Zangarmarsh
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Ashenvale flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Desolace flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Dustwallow Marsh flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Winterspring flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Tanaris flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Silithus flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Feralas flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Darkshore flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Azuremyst Isle flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Bloodmyst Isle flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Teldrassil flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Hinterlands flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Western Plaguelands flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Hillsbrad Foothills flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Westfall flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Wetlands flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Elwynn Forest flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Burning Steppes flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Blasted Lands flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Arathi Highlands flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Cape of Stranglethorn flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Dun Morogh flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Duskwood flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Loch Modan flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Redridge Mountains flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Borean Tundra flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Dragonblight flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Grizzly Hills flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Howling Fjord flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Zul''Drak flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Storm Peaks flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Sholazar Basin flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Crystalsong Forest flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Shadowmoon Valley flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Nagrand flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Netherstorm flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Hellfire Peninsula flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Terokkar flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Blade''s Edge Mountains flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE quest_template
SET RequiredRaces
='Honor the Zangarmarsh flame!' WHERE Id
UPDATE creature_template
SET gossip_menu_id
=9203, npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET gossip_menu_id
=9203, npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET gossip_menu_id
=9203, npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
UPDATE creature_template
SET npcflag
=3, unit_flags
=33536 WHERE entry
-- Northrend Alliance's Bonfire Quests
DELETE FROM gameobject_queststarter
WHERE quest
IN (13441,13450,13451,13453,13454,13455,13457,13458);
-- Northrend Horde's Bonfire Quests
DELETE FROM gameobject_queststarter
WHERE quest
IN (13440,13442,13443,13444,13445,13446,13447,13449);
-- Stealing the flame
DELETE FROM creature_queststarter
WHERE quest
IN (11933,11935);
DELETE FROM spell_scripts
IN (29137,29135,29126,46671,29139,29138,29136,46672);
INSERT INTO spell_scripts
, effIndex
, datalong
, datalong2
(29137, 2, 15,29101, 2),
(29135, 2, 15,29102, 2),
(29126, 2, 15,29099, 2),
(46671, 2, 15,46690, 2),
(29139, 2, 15,29133, 2),
(29136, 2, 15,29130, 2),
(29138, 2, 15,29132, 2),
(46672, 2, 15,46689, 2);
-- A Thief's Reward
DELETE FROM creature_queststarter
WHERE quest
IN (9365,9339);
INSERT INTO creature_queststarter
, quest
(16817, 9365), -- Alliance
(16818, 9339); -- Horde
DELETE FROM creature_questender
WHERE quest
IN (9365,9339);
INSERT INTO creature_questender
, quest
(16817, 9365), -- Alliance
(16818, 9339); -- Horde
-- Alliance Desecrate the flame
DELETE FROM gameobject_queststarter
IN (187958,187952,187953,187950,187973,187971,187968,187965,187961,187957,187959,187948,187963,187967,187949,187970,187975,187966,187955,194048,194033,194034,194037,194046,194043,194042,194039,187962,187960,187964,187969,187951,187956,187972,187559,187974,187954,187947);
DELETE FROM gameobject_questender
IN (187958,187952,187953,187950,187973,187971,187968,187965,187961,187957,187959,187948,187963,187967,187949,187970,187975,187966,187955,194048,194033,194034,194037,194046,194043,194042,194039,187962,187960,187964,187969,187951,187956,187972,187559,187974,187954,187947);
INSERT INTO gameobject_questender
, quest
(187958, 11770), -- Durotar
(187957, 11769), -- Desolace
(187965, 11777), -- Mulgore
(187953, 11803), -- Winterspring
(187971, 11783), -- Barrens
(187961, 11773), -- Feralas
(187948, 11765), -- Ashenvale
(187959, 11771), -- Dustwallow marsh
(187973, 11785), -- Thousand Needles
(187950, 11800), -- Silithus
(187968, 11780), -- Stonetalon Mountains
(187952, 11802), -- Tanaris
(187963, 11775), -- Hellfire Peninsula
(187967, 11779), -- Shadowmoon Valley
(187949, 11799), -- Netherstorm
(187970, 11782), -- Terokkar
(187975, 11787), -- Zangarmarsh
(187955, 11767), -- Blade' Edge
(187966, 11778), -- Nagrand
(194048, 13458), -- Zul'Drak
(194033, 13441), -- Borean Tundra
(194034, 13450), -- Sholazar Basin
(194037, 13451), -- Dragonblight
(194046, 13457), -- Crystalsong Forest
(194043, 13455), -- Storm Peaks
(194042, 13454), -- Grizzly Hills
(194039, 13453), -- Howling Fjords
(187962, 11774), -- Ghostland
(187960, 11772), -- Eversong woods
(187964, 11776), -- Hillsbrad Foothills
(187969, 11781), -- Swamp of sorrows
(187951, 11801), -- Cape of Stranglethorn
(187956, 11768), -- Burning Steppes
(187972, 11784), -- The Hinterlands
(187559, 11580), -- Silverpine Forest
(187974, 11786), -- Tirisfal Glades
(187954, 11766), -- Badlands
(187947, 11764); -- Arathi Highlands
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Zul''Drak bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Crystalsong Forest bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Storm Peaks bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Grizzly Hills bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Howling Fjord bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Dragonblight bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Sholazar Basin bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Borean Tundra bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Winterspring bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Tanaris bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Stranglethorn Vale bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Silithus bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Netherstorm bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Zangarmarsh bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Dustwallow Marsh bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Hinterlands bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Terokkar Forest bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Shadowmoon Valley bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Nagrand bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Hillsbrad Foothills Bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Hellfire Peninsula bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Feralas bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Desolace bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Burning Steppes bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Blade''s Edge Mountains bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Ashenvale bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Arathi Highlands bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Silverpine bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Durotar bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Mulgore bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Barrens bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Thousand Needles bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Stonetalon Mountains bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Ghostlands bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Eversong Woods bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Swamp of Sorrows bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Tirisfal Glades bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Horde''s Badlands bonfire!' WHERE id
-- Horde Desecrate the flame
DELETE FROM gameobject_queststarter
IN (187916,187924,187927,187946,187945,187943,187929,187923,187917,187921,187936,187938,187939,187931,187564,187940,187928,187922,187920,187914,187944,187925,187926,187932,187934,194032,194036,194040,194038,194049,194044,194035,194045,187935,187933,187942,187930,187937,187919,187941);
DELETE FROM gameobject_questender
IN (187916,187924,187927,187946,187945,187943,187929,187923,187917,187921,187936,187938,187939,187931,187564,187940,187928,187922,187920,187914,187944,187925,187926,187932,187934,194032,194036,194040,194038,194049,194044,194035,194045,187935,187933,187942,187930,187937,187919,187941);
INSERT INTO gameobject_questender
, quest
(187916, 11734), -- Ashenvale
(187924, 11741), -- Desolace
(187927, 11744), -- Dustwallow Marsh
(187946, 11763), -- Winterspring
(187945, 11762), -- Tanaris
(187943, 11760), -- Silithus
(187929, 11746), -- Feralas
(187923, 11740), -- Darkshore
(187917, 11735), -- Azuremyst Isle
(187921, 11738), -- Bloodmyst Isle
(187936, 11753), -- Teldrassil
(187938, 11755), -- The Hinterlands
(187939, 11756), -- The Western Plaguelands
(187931, 11748), -- Hillsbrad Foothills
(187564, 11581), -- Westfall
(187940, 11757), -- Wetlands
(187928, 11745), -- Elwynn Forest
(187922, 11739), -- Burning Steppes
(187920, 11737), -- Blasted Lands
(187914, 11732), -- Arathi Highlands
(187944, 11761), -- Cape of Stranglethorn
(187925, 11742), -- Dun Morogh
(187926, 11743), -- Duskwood
(187932, 11749), -- Loch Modan
(187934, 11751), -- Redridge Mountains
(194032, 13440), -- Borean Tundra
(194036, 13443), -- Dragonblight
(194040, 13445), -- Grizzly
(194038, 13444), -- Howling Fjord
(194049, 13449), -- Zul'Drak
(194044, 13446), -- The Storm Peaks
(194035, 13442), -- Sholazar Basin
(194045, 13447), -- Crystalsong Forest
(187935, 11752), -- Shadowmoon Valley
(187933, 11750), -- Nagrand
(187942, 11759), -- Netherstorm
(187930, 11747), -- Hellfire Peninsula
(187937, 11754), -- Terokkar
(187919, 11736), -- Blade's Edge
(187941, 11758); -- Zangarmarsh
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Zul''Drak bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Crystalsong Forest bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Storm Peaks bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Grizzly Hills bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Howling Fjord bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Dragonblight bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Sholazar Basin bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Borean Tundra bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Winterspring bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Tanaris bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Stranglethorn Vale bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Silithus bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Netherstorm bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Zangarmarsh bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Wetlands bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Western Plaguelands bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Hinterlands bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Terokkar Forest bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Teldrassil bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Shadowmoon Valley bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Redridge Mountains bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Nagrand bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Loch Modan bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Hillsbrad Foothills Bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Hellfire Peninsula bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Feralas bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Elywnn Forest bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Dustwallow Marsh bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Duskwood bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Dun Morogh bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Desolace bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Darkshore bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Burning Steppes bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Bloodmyst Isle bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Blasted Lands bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Blade''s Edge Mountains bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Azuremyst Isle bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Ashenvale bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Arathi Highlands bonfire!' WHERE id
UPDATE quest_template
SET OfferRewardText
='Desecrate the Alliance''s Westfall bonfire!' WHERE id
from here : by sirikfoll on Apr 9 2015
Why? If everything is fine?