SunWellCore copied to clipboard
DB/Quest fix: Translation to Ello - Add Endevent
-- DB/Quest: Translation to Ello
DELETE FROM waypoints
WHERE entry
INSERT INTO waypoints
, pointid
, position_x
, position_y
, position_z
(412, 1, -10290.1, 73.7148, 38.849),
(412, 2, -10290.4, 81.547, 38.7702),
(412, 3, -10283.2, 86.6661, 38.7694),
(412, 4, -10271.1, 83.5772, 39.1122),
(412, 5, -10266, 76.0585, 39.4047),
(412, 6, -10272.4, 65.7703, 39.524),
(412, 7, -10283.4, 59.1681, 40.6902),
(412, 8, -10300.2, 45.8306, 47.3053),
(412, 9, -10315.3, 45.1015, 48.0097),
(412, 10, -10324.4, 38.7441, 47.3935),
(412, 11, -10330.2, 27.0829, 50.5753),
(412, 12, -10335.3, 13.4164, 50.1259),
(412, 13, -10342.2, 3.3501, 51.1675),
(412, 14, -10354.6, -13.0266, 47.1154),
(412, 15, -10379.4, -27.1456, 49.2841),
(412, 16, -10401, -30.8108, 48.1353),
(412, 17, -10416.5, -28.4794, 48.4772),
(412, 18, -10436.4, -34.2376, 46.5064),
(412, 19, -10468.7, -38.8985, 48.7035),
(412, 20, -10500.2, -44.6662, 45.882),
(412, 21, -10539.1, -39.3422, 43.0622),
(412, 22, -10568, -35.1434, 37.2048),
(412, 23, -10585.6, -37.5056, 37.4296),
(412, 24, -10606.3, -51.7202, 36.0713),
(412, 25, -10629.2, -64.211, 32.6163),
(412, 26, -10645.9, -73.4561, 32.7337),
(412, 27, -10671, -81.8316, 35.6535),
(412, 28, -10687.6, -85.57, 34.1549),
(412, 29, -10702.8, -89.2772, 37.9242),
(412, 30, -10709.1, -97.5837, 37.892),
(412, 31, -10725.6, -101.348, 34.5892),
(412, 32, -10748, -99.1517, 38.2323),
(412, 33, -10759.9, -93.0657, 38.5876),
(412, 34, -10774.9, -89.8001, 34.8007),
(412, 35, -10788.6, -86.7376, 33.4988),
(412, 36, -10802.7, -88.6347, 29.0679),
(412, 37, -10811.5, -97.1736, 29.2451),
(412, 38, -10821.4, -121.335, 30.142),
(412, 39, -10826.2, -134.391, 31.7845),
(412, 40, -10830.6, -148.284, 31.7985),
(412, 41, -10835.3, -164.201, 33.8299),
(412, 42, -10840.4, -182.63, 34.0254),
(412, 43, -10843.3, -193.104, 35.8227),
(412, 44, -10848.7, -215.175, 37.7986),
(412, 45, -10851.7, -235.779, 38.6853),
(412, 46, -10857.4, -264.019, 38.0974),
(412, 47, -10866.6, -293.454, 37.9429),
(412, 48, -10882.9, -332.562, 37.9688),
(412, 49, -10900, -365.26, 39.4542),
(412, 50, -10904.1, -393.833, 41.0451),
(412, 51, -10905.7, -431.964, 42.7237),
(412, 52, -10908, -461.901, 46.7191),
(412, 53, -10911.2, -510.492, 52.0594),
(412, 54, -10915.1, -533.78, 53.8047),
(412, 55, -10927, -565.685, 54.042),
(412, 56, -10936.5, -581.62, 53.8887),
(412, 57, -10950.1, -597.371, 55.177),
(412, 58, -10957.9, -619.554, 55.0689),
(412, 59, -10958.8, -637.183, 55.2047),
(412, 60, -10954.3, -652.46, 55.4423),
(412, 61, -10931.8, -681.568, 55.3955),
(412, 62, -10916.9, -710.733, 55.6988),
(412, 63, -10902.9, -734.1, 55.1313),
(412, 64, -10878.3, -760.091, 55.5638),
(412, 65, -10851.1, -787.76, 56.1885),
(412, 66, -10831.9, -818.655, 56.2795),
(412, 67, -10825.2, -833.223, 55.5758),
(412, 68, -10808.3, -873.497, 55.9567),
(412, 69, -10796.7, -912.719, 55.8731),
(412, 70, -10796.1, -934.562, 56.2303),
(412, 71, -10800.5, -949.721, 56.5614),
(412, 72, -10807.1, -969.027, 56.2941),
(412, 73, -10806.8, -992.166, 53.8349),
(412, 74, -10804.6, -1030.41, 47.0768),
(412, 75, -10801.3, -1047.26, 44.0233),
(412, 76, -10787.8, -1074.49, 37.7652),
(412, 77, -10783.3, -1095.07, 33.6488),
(412, 78, -10781.2, -1112.66, 30.3863),
(412, 79, -10763.6, -1138.91, 27.0977),
(412, 80, -10738, -1158.02, 26.4475),
(412, 81, -10705.3, -1179.29, 26.3723),
(412, 82, -10682.3, -1190.45, 27.2793),
(412, 83, -10662.5, -1193.06, 28.2884),
(412, 84, -10641.6, -1189.92, 28.5594),
(412, 85, -10615.7, -1182.78, 28.5022),
(412, 86, -10586.8, -1177.32, 28.3931),
(412, 87, -10576.4, -1179.26, 28.1946),
(412, 88, -10566.7, -1189.27, 27.8756),
(412, 89, -10557, -1192.38, 28.0606),
(412, 90, -10550.4, -1185.71, 27.8428),
(412, 91, -10554.4, -1167.97, 27.5984);
-- Lord Ello Ebonlocke SAI
SET @ENTRY := 263;
UPDATE creature_template
="SmartAI" WHERE entry
DELETE FROM smart_scripts
WHERE entryorguid
=@ENTRY AND source_type
INSERT INTO smart_scripts
(@ENTRY,0,0,0,1,0,100,0,20000,30000,120000,120000,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Lord Ello Ebonlocke - Out of Combat - Say Line 0"),
(@ENTRY,0,1,0,20,0,100,0,252,0,0,0,12,412,3,3600000,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,-10290.171875,72.781136,38.881119,4.801499,"Lord Ello Ebonlocke - On Quest 'Translation to Ello' Finished - Summon Creature 'Stitches'");
-- Stitches SAI
SET @ENTRY := 412;
UPDATE creature_template
="SmartAI" WHERE entry
DELETE FROM smart_scripts
WHERE entryorguid
=@ENTRY AND source_type
INSERT INTO smart_scripts
(@ENTRY,0,0,0,0,0,100,0,6900,12100,3500,11300,11,3106,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Stitches - In Combat - Cast 'Aura of Rot'"),
(@ENTRY,0,1,2,54,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,48,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Stitches - On Just Summoned - Set Active On"),
(@ENTRY,0,2,0,61,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,53,1,412,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Stitches - On Just Summoned - Start Waypoint"),
(@ENTRY,0,3,0,40,0,100,0,47,412,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,19,468,200,0,0,0,0,0,"Stitches - On Waypoint 47 Reached - Say Line 0"),
(@ENTRY,0,5,6,40,0,100,0,50,412,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Stitches - On Waypoint 50 Reached - Say Line 0"),
(@ENTRY,0,6,0,61,0,100,0,50,412,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,19,468,200,0,0,0,0,0,"Stitches - On Waypoint 50 Reached - Say Line 1"),
(@ENTRY,0,7,8,40,0,100,0,91,412,0,0,101,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Stitches - On Waypoint 91 Reached - Set Home Position"),
(@ENTRY,0,8,0,61,0,100,0,91,412,0,0,89,20,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Stitches - On Waypoint 91 Reached - Start Random Movement");
DELETE FROM creature_text
WHERE entry
IN (468, 412);
INSERT INTO creature_text
, groupid
, id
, text
, type
, language
, probability
, emote
, duration
, sound
, comment
(468, 0, 0, 'An abomination of the undead is approaching!', 14, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 'Guard'),
(468, 1, 0, 'The abomination has overrun the Night Watch camp! Quickly, we must intercept it before it reaches town!', 14, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 'Guard'),
(412, 0, 0, 'ROARRRRR!!', 14, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 'Stitches'),
(412, 0, 1, 'DARKSHIRE... I HUNGER!!', 14, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 'Stitches');
-- We need to local patch..