tiny-tour icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tiny-tour copied to clipboard

A tiny library for creating introductions/tours.

Tiny Tour

Tiny Tour is a really small JavaScript library for adding a tour to your website.

build status min size gzip size

alt Basic tutorial

Getting Started

Download this library and include it.

<link href="dist/tour.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="dist/tour.min.js" rel="stylesheet" type="text/javascript"></script>


Creating and starting new tour

window.tour = new Tour({
  .. Other tour options
  steps: [
    .. Step Objects


Tour Options

steps - An array of steps that make up the tour.

padding - How much padding is around the element the tip is being applied to.

next - The text on the next step button.

done - The text on the button when the last tip is displayed.

prev - The text on the previous step button.

Defining a Step

  element: ".five",
  title: "Look at me!",
  description: "This is really important",
  position: "[top|bottom|left|right]"

Any extra attributes in this object will be present in the step object in overridden functions, such as showStep. This can be useful for hiding/showing/creating elements in between steps.

Overriding Methods

All prototype methods can be overridden to execute code before and after the original method is executed. For example, here is how to override the nextStep method:

tour.override('nextStep', function(self) {
  // Stuff to do before the next step
  // Stuff to do after the next step

The first parameter will always be the original method. The parameters normally passed to the function being overridden will be appended to the arguments list. Overriding a method that takes an argument, would look like this:

tour.override('showStep', function(self, step) {
  // Stuff to do before showing a step
  // Stuff to do after showing a step


How do I remove...

Use CSS.

the overlay background?

.ttour-overlay {
  box-shadow: none;

the tip title?

.ttour-header {
  display: none;

the tip bullets?

.ttour-bullets {
  display: none;

How do I add animations?

Use a combination of CSS and method overrides. For example, this is how you could add animation to showing/hiding the tip background.

Start with the opacity of the tour overlay set to 0 and add a transition.

.ttour-overlay {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out;

Override the showStep and end methods to set the transition on show and hide.

tour.override('showStep', function(self, step) {

    var overlay = document.getElementsByClassName("ttour-overlay")[0];
    overlay.style.opacity = 1;
  }, 0)

tour.override('end', function(self) {
  var overlay = document.getElementsByClassName("ttour-overlay")[0];
  overlay.style.opacity = 0;

  }, 300);


Bug reports and pull requests are always welcome.