JDFlipNumberView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
JDFlipNumberView copied to clipboard

[iOS] Animated analog flip numbers like airport/train-station displays (Swift/SwiftUI ready)

Results 5 JDFlipNumberView issues
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When I leave a scene during the animation and switch back, the numbers are frozen in a middle state until next one, how to avoid this? Thank you in advance....


I'm using the JDFlipImageView flipToView Method to animate 2 Views concurrently. One on an iOS 8 Device and one on a connected Beamer (simply an UIWindow with UIView where an...


Darken views while flipping to fake shadow.


When changing a number, e.g. 3520 to 9250 every digit should animate on its own to the new number iterating over every digit inbetween. Means: 3 to 9 (in 6...


Hi! It would be great if your library will support NSNumberFormatter (for example, in our project we're using groupSeparator for NSNumberFormatter, and our numbers looks like "1 000 000", not...
