Caleb Hailey
Caleb Hailey
Updates: - Add `--continue` or `--skip-errors` flag to attempt to continue processing resources (e.g. in a file with 10 resources, if the second resource has an error, could we try...
Love this! I'd bucket this one under our need for a "Webhooks API", which would facilitate two-way integrations such as you've described here (and many more). Our assumptions on how...
Hey, we completed an issue from this epic in 6.8.0! That's progress! 🙌 I will roll this EPIC to 6.9.0 now and aim to complete at least one more issue...
Closing due to inactivity (this issue was created pre-GA), plus it looks like this has been resolved & documented. It is now possible to set multiple backend URLs by setting...
Oops, I misread this as "sensu-agent". This is RE: sensuctl which may still be a valid issue.
Perhaps we could make this a non-breaking change by adding a new sensu-backend `--minimum-silence-duration` flag that defaults to 0 (no expiration), but could be increased to a non-zero value. Is...
@portertech has pointed out that this would need to be a cluster-level configuration setting (similar to `web/v1.GlobalConfig`), and that this is getting into "policy enforcement" territory, which would require broader...
Noting for posterity that this could be implemented as a Sensu secret (API Key) + check + filter + handler template (one YAML file) that does all of the following...
Another customer has requested a similar enhancement to require the use of `expire_on_resolve: true`. See: