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Salome universal to CalculiX converter. Converts UNV mesh to the CalculiX INP format.
© Ihor Mirzov, 2019-2023
Distributed under GNU General Public License v3.0
Downloads | How to use | Screenshots | Your help | For developers | TODO
Salome to CalculiX converter (unv to inp)
Converts Salome .unv file to CalculiX .inp format.
This converter is based on Joël's Cugnoni UNV parser available with CalculiX Launcher distribution. I allowed myself to slightely improve it and translate into Python 3. INPWriter's methods are fully refactored and now allow to convert beams. See folder examples for list of tested UNV elements. All generated INP files are processed by CalculiX GraphiX and CalculiX Adanced Environment without any errors.
Thanks to Niclas Stenberg for fixing bug with empty sets.
How to use
Download Linux and Windows binaries from the releases page. Binaries don't need to be installed.
Result INP-file name is the same as UNV-file name. So only one argument should be passed to the converter:
in Linux: ./unv2ccx file.unv
in Windows: unv2ccx.exe file.unv
1D and 2D UNV elements in Salome:
Converted 1D and 2D elements in CalculiX GraphiX:
3D UNV elements in Salome:
Converted 3D elements in CalculiX GraphiX:
Your help
Please, you may:
- Star this project.
- Simply use this software and ask questions.
- Share your models and screenshots.
- Report problems by posting issues.
- Or even become a sponsor to me.
For developers
To run this converter from source you'll need Python 3.
Install unv2ccx package with command:
pip3 install unv2ccx
In your code use unv2ccx package in this way:
import unv2ccx
c = unv2ccx.Converter(unv_file_name)
If you have Python version >= 3.8 create binary with nuitka:
pip3 install nuitka
In Windows:
set CC=C:\\MinGW64\\mingw64\\bin\\gcc.exe
python3 -m nuitka --follow-imports --mingw64 __init__.py
In Linux:
python3 -m nuitka --follow-imports __init__.py
If you have Python version < 3.8 create binary with pyinstaller:
pip3 install pyinstaller
pyinstaller __init__.py --onefile
Read here about how to create packages for pypi.org:
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel twine
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
- Multiprocessing for tests.
- Correctly convert UNV surface set into INP surface.
- Use pyuff module
- Support keyword *HEADING
- Support keyword *SURFACE