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Error: Need ____ bytes more RAM preventing me from continuing playing
Error: Need _____ more bytes free RAM preventing game progress
TI-OS version: 5.4.0034 TI-Boy CE version: v0.1.3
So when I downloaded TIboyCE a long time ago, the latest version was 0.1.3, and it worked for me for a long time. I used it to emulate The legend of Zelda: Link's awakening. I followed the youtube tutorial and did everything the exact same way. It worked just fine until recently. After I completed a run of my first game, I tried to load another save file to start again. I did and it worked neat fine and dandy, but when I tried to play it the next day, loading up the ROM told me 'Error: Need 5434 more bytes free RAM'. Well I was like 'of course! I need to just clear all of the junk in my archive and RAM' and so I did by completely wiping images, variables, real/complex numbers, lists, etc. Then, when I tried to load up Link's Awakening again I got the same error message. So then I was like 'well just delete the game and put it back onto the calculator' and did that. Nothing changed. Finally, I thought 'well I noticed there's a newer version of TIboyCE, maybe I should get that' and reinstalled the 0.2.1 version. Returned the same error. I haven't seen any way to fix this anywhere. How can I fix this?
How much RAM does it say you have free in the memory menu? It's possible some program leaked memory at some point. I recommend using the reset RAM option in the memory menu (after making sure any files you care about are Archived or otherwise backed up).
I don't know the exact number(not w/ my calculator right now) but there is way more free ram(~29k bytes) than is requested by the ROM(~5k bytes). Edit: Both the archive AND free RAM have more available than is requested, if that helps. When I can I will update you about resetting RAM.
The 5K bytes is how much additional RAM is required. On a completely clean system, there should be around 150K free bytes in total.
Try deleting and/or archiving unneeded variables, then press and hold the reset button on the back of your calculator for 3-4s (with USB not plugged). Then turn the calc back on. The free RAM amount should be back up to normal.
I am not very educated on the calculator's mechanics, but I was told using the reset button in the back of the calculator wiped the entire memory and the Reset option in the memory settings completely wiped whichever RAM/ARCHIVE option you picked. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
The physical reset button on the back only affects RAM