Kannan Goundan
Kannan Goundan
I do think that most people who come across this package will mistakenly think that it does the exact same thing as `Buffer.from`. That's definitely what I did when I...
Updated the pull request with a bunch of changes. - Split into two charts. - Tried to come up with intuitive names for Node built-in encode/decode implementations. Not thrilled with...
Recently, the API "FileMetadata" objects got a new "content_hash" field. - More information about that field: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/reference/content-hash - C# code to compute the hash: https://github.com/dropbox/dropbox-api-content-hasher/tree/master/csharp
This is possibly common enough to add special support. But for now, there are some workarounds. `files_download` should be easy. It returns the file metadata object and the HTTP response...
Use `files_download` instead of `files_download_to_file`.
> I also wouldn't mind adding an option to disable autofixes (or provide them as suggestions) for specified rules in the eslint config file. There was an earlier issue for...
Agree that the tool can't always be perfect, but this was the first time I ran into a case where an ESLint rule identifies a real bug (indirectly) and the...
> The problem is ESLint can’t know what code you forgot to write. 😄 Yes, it can't know for sure, but some assumptions have worse consequences than others. For example,...
I also don't want to rehash points where we fully understand each other but simply disagree. But your reply of "we just can't know every situation for everyone's code" made...
Does anybody have ideas for the user experience of such a feature? Some ideas: Option A: - Allow the rule/autofix metadata to declare itself as "potentially dangerous" - Have the...