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This is an automatic clone of the master gosa-gui git repository.


  • Information

GOsa is a LDAP administration frontend for user administration. It is NO GENERIC frontend to dictionary servers. Informations are stored in the way the underlying conecpts suppose them to be stored (i.e. people accounts are stored in "ou=people" subtrees, etc.) This can be configured marginally.

Complete setups applying Kerberos, AFS, LDAP, Mail, Proxy and Fax setups are not trivial at all. You should be familiar with these components and with your UNIX installation, of cause. This file is (and will not be) an introduction to any of these components. See INSTALL for a quick overview about what to do, to get the things up and running. A complete GOsa infrastructure howto is work in progress and not released yet.

  • Translations

GOsa is not available in your native language? Just read on...

Translations (or I18N) in GOsa is done by the gettext library. As a result, every set of translations is stored inside of one directory per language as a text file called "messages.po".

For GOsa you've to differenciate between gosa-core and single gosa-plugins. The core as a translation and every plugin has a seperate translation, too.

GOsa core can be translated by taking a look at the locales/core directory. Just take the messages.po file and copy it to some other location and put your translations into the msgstr fields of this file. For more comfort, use programs like i.e. kbabel or poedit to achieve this. You may look at the de/LC_MESSAGES for the way how it works.

If you're ready with that, create a directory for your language using the ISO shortcuts (i.e. es for spain) with a subdirectory LC_MESSAGES. In case of spain this will be


and put the freshly translated messages.po in this directory.

To test this, you've deploy the messages.po file in your running copy of GOsa and run the "update-locale" command, to let GOsa merge the translations. Then, Make sure your apache has locale support or, in case of debian, that the specific locale will be generated (via dpkg-reconfigure locales).

You may want your translations to be included in the main GOsa repository, then just send the .po file to me or ask for SVN access.

For gosa-plugins, every plugin has a locales directory. Translation works like described for gosa-core.

Always run update-locale after you've added translations in order to let GOsa compile and re-sync the translations.


Be sure that 'gosaUserTemplates' are not able to log into your server, since they may have no password set. Example configs can be found in the contrib directory.

Have fun!

Cajus Pollmeier [email protected]