TwitchChatVideo copied to clipboard
Empty output folder
Hello, i set up everything, click make video but then it only download chat logs.
You should have an "error.txt" in the root directory of the app. If you could paste the contents here, it might point me in the right direction.
Some other things worth considering:
- What OS are you on? Do you have the latest .NET Framework?
- Do any other VODs work for you? If so and you don't mind sharing, what video ID are you using?
I use Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit I downloaded .NET Framework 4.7.2 then tried 4.8, same effects It happens on any VOD i try its also crushing completely on VODs from this channel :
heres error.txt, some parts are in polish tho
00:42:10 : System.Net.WebException: Żądanie zostało przerwane: Nie można utworzyć bezpiecznego kanału SSL/TLS.
w System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
w System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
w TwitchChatVideo.TwitchDownloader.GetImage(String local_path, String url) w C:\projects\twitchchatvideo\TwitchChatVideo\TwitchDownloader.cs:wiersz 29
w TwitchChatVideo.Badges.Lookup(String type, String version) w C:\projects\twitchchatvideo\TwitchChatVideo\TwitchObjects\TwitchBadge.cs:wiersz 80
w TwitchChatVideo.ChatHandler.<>c__DisplayClass48_0.<MakeDrawableMessage>b__2(Badge b) w C:\projects\twitchchatvideo\TwitchChatVideo\ChatHandler.cs:wiersz 234
w System.Collections.Generic.List1.ForEach(Action
1 action)
w TwitchChatVideo.ChatHandler.MakeDrawableMessage(ChatMessage message) w C:\projects\twitchchatvideo\TwitchChatVideo\ChatHandler.cs:wiersz 232
w TwitchChatVideo.ChatVideo.<>c__DisplayClass46_3.<CreateVideoAsync>b__1(ChatMessage m) w C:\projects\twitchchatvideo\TwitchChatVideo\ChatVideo.cs:wiersz 85
w System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator2.MoveNext() w System.Collections.Generic.List
1..ctor(IEnumerable1 collection) w System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable
1 source)
w TwitchChatVideo.ChatVideo.<>c__DisplayClass46_0.<<CreateVideoAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext() w C:\projects\twitchchatvideo\TwitchChatVideo\ChatVideo.cs:wiersz 82
Seems to be an issue downloading image files due to the connection encryption type being used. I don't explicitly set it to use a particular method, so I'm guessing it's somehow improperly trying to use SSL instead of TLS or something of the sort. There's a known issue with older versions of .NET (4.5, 4.6 ), so if you have those I would try uninstalling and doing a clean install of 4.7.2. I'll see if I can figure anything out on my end.
Unfortunately didn't work :(
So i finally managed to get it work.I don't know anything about Net.Framework but i used this program and it fixed it.