fast-tsetlin-machine-with-mnist-demo copied to clipboard
Faster tm_initialize_random_streams
On my system this greatly sped up processing by over 2X. I am using large values for S. Hopefully I haven't optimized so far that it is actually wrong. Note: I also changed S to be an integer and it will scale somewhat differently(see comment below).
static inline void tm_initialize_random_streams(struct TsetlinMachine *tm, int s)
int next = 0;
int r = random() % (s+1);
for(int k=0; k<LA_CHUNKS; ++k){
(*tm).feedback_to_la[k] = 0;
while((next + r) / INT_SIZE <= k){
if(r == s){
next += (r - 1); //Skip setting any bits.
} else {
next += r;
(*tm).feedback_to_la[k] |= (1 << (next % INT_SIZE));
r = random() % (s+1);
If we want an approximately similar distribution to the old code and if my binomial distribution calculations are correct for a value like S=10 the code would look something like this. Is this over thinking it? Do we care if S's values scale differently?
r = random() % (s + 4);
if(r >= s){
next += (s - 1); //Skip setting any bits.
If we still want to use floating point for S then maybe the code would be
r = ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX) * s * 1.3486784401; //binomial distribution calculation on no bits being set. S=10.0
if(r >= s){
next += (truncate_to_integer(s) - 1); //Skip setting any bits.
} else {
next += truncate_to_integer(r);
la_feedback |= truncate_to_int(next % INT_SIZE);
Hi @jcriddle4! This looks very interesting. Thanks! Look forward to try out these modifications. Did you try it out on the MNIST dataset?
On the MNIST dataset using the integer version with r = random() % (s + 4);...
TimeBefore TimeAfter TestBefore TestAfter
378.1 164.6 93.9 94.0
232.4 126.6 95.1 95.1
203.3 123.4 96.2 95.8
189.0 122.7 96.6 96.0
178.6 121.3 96.9 96.2
166.3 121.9 97.2 96.3
Edited: The original optimized version seemed to converge slower toward epoch 6 for MNIST. I switched to s=11 and then used this code and it matches or exceeds for the first 6 epochs. I also think it should be next += s instead of next += (s - 1);
static inline void tm_initialize_random_streams(struct TsetlinMachine *tm, int s)
int next = -s; //We were slightly off for setting the first few bits so we backed up to start
int r = random() % (s + 4);
for(int k=0; k<LA_CHUNKS; ++k){
(*tm).feedback_to_la[k] = 0;
while((next + r) / INT_SIZE <= k){
if(r >= s){
next += s; //Skip setting any bits.
} else {
next += r;
if(next >= 0) {
(*tm).feedback_to_la[k] |= (1 << (next % INT_SIZE));
r = random() % (s + 4);