bookmarklet-maker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bookmarklet-maker copied to clipboard

Tool to create bookmarklet/ javascript apps to automate the web browser.

#+TITLE: Bookmarklet Maker #+DESCROPTION: tool to create bookmarklets for browser automation. #+KEYWORKDS: browser, automation, tool, bookmarklet, javascript, js #+STARTUP: content

  • Bookmarklet Maker ** Overviiew

Bookmarklet maker is a small web app to create bookmarklet or small executable Javascript apps to peform browser aumtomation tasks.

You can run this app by accessing the hyperlink:


If you don't know what is a bookmarklet, see:

  • [[][Creating a Simple Bookmarklet - YouTube]]

** Bookmarklet Cheat Sheet *** Get Metadata **** Get current page title

#+BEGIN_SRC html

Paget Title #+END_SRC

#+BEGIN_SRC js document.title #+END_SRC

**** Get author


#+BEGIN_SRC js Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("meta")) .find(function(e){return == "author"}) .content #+END_SRC

**** Get description


#+BEGIN_SRC js Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("meta")) .find(function(e){return == "description"}) .content #+END_SRC

**** Get keywords


#+BEGIN_SRC js Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("meta")) .find(function(e){return == "keywords"}) .content #+END_SRC

**** Get current date


var d = new Date() ; (d.getYear() + 1900).toString() + "-" + d.getMonth().toString() + "-" + d.getDay().toString() "2016-9-4" #+END_SRC

Function getDate()

#+BEGIN_SRC js function getDate(){ var d = new Date(); return (d.getYear() + 1900).toString() + "-" + d.getMonth().toString() + "-" + d.getDay().toString() ; }

getDate() "2017-3-5" #+END_SRC

*** Url **** Get current page URL

#+BEGIN_SRC js document.URL #+END_SRC

**** Redirect current page

#+BEGIN_SRC js window.location.href = "" #+END_SRC

**** Open url in a new tab


**** URL manipulation

URL Manipulation is useful to send the current URL to some web service or Web App such as Google Driver or Web Archive.

  • Open some page that doesn't exist anymore in Web Archive:

#+BEGIN_SRC js var baseUrl = "*/" var urlmod = document.URL window.location.href = baseUrl + urlmod #+END_SRC

  • Open a file google Driver.

Example URL:

#+BEGIN_SRC js var baseUrl = "" var urlmod = "" + baseUrl #+END_SRC

Open current page (PDF document in Google Driver).

#+BEGIN_SRC js"" + document.URL); #+END_SRC

Open a prompt showing Google driver URL to current document. Useful to create short URL in services like tiny URL and view document in Tablets or Smartphones.

#+BEGIN_SRC js prompt("Google driver URL:", "" + document.URL); #+END_SRC *** Misc **** Display alert box (Messagebox)

#+BEGIN_SRC js alert("My message"); #+END_SRC

**** Display a prompt

  • The promopt function is useful to read user input and allow user to copy some data.

#+BEGIN_SRC js prompt("Window title", "Content") #+END_SRC

**** Display string in console

#+BEGIN_SRC js console.log(object); console.log("My message"); #+END_SRC

*** Style ** Recipes *** Generate org-mode Bibliographical Reference

#+BEGIN_SRC js function getDate(){ var d = new Date() return (d.getYear() + 1900).toString() + "-" + d.getMonth().toString() + "-" + d.getDay().toString() ; };

var text = '' + document.title + '' + " Accessed at " + getDate() + ". Available at <" + document.URL + "> " ;

prompt("Type Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C to copy the markdown", text); #+END_SRC

It will generate a reference like this:


*** Change the page width for better readability

This will set the page width to the width of an A4 ISO paper sheet that makes easier to read long texts in the browser.

#+BEGIN_SRC js document.querySelector("body").style.setProperty("width", "800px") #+END_SRC

*** Invert page color for enhancing reading at night

#+BEGIN_SRC js document.querySelector("body").style.setProperty("color", "white") document.querySelector("body").style.setProperty("background", "black") #+END_SRC

*** Change page background color

#+BEGIN_SRC js document.querySelector("body").style.setProperty("background", "white") #+END_SRC

** See also:


  • [[][100+ Useful Bookmarklets For Better Productivity | Ultimate List - Hongkiat]]

  • [[][Beginner Geek: How to Use Bookmarklets on Any Device]]

  • [[][Top 10 Useful Bookmarklets]]