FFmpeg-Encoder-Decoder-for-Python icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FFmpeg-Encoder-Decoder-for-Python copied to clipboard

This is a C++ based FFmpeg Encoder/Decoder for Python 3.6+ & numpy 1.19+. Both Linux & Win versions are provided. Theoretically you do not need to install FFmpeg for using this library.


This is a mpegCoder adapted from FFmpeg & Python-c-api. Using it you could get access to processing video easily. Just use it as a common module in python like this.

import mpegCoder
Branch Description
master :link: The source project of mpegCoder, Windows version.
master-linux :link: The source project of mpegCoder, Linux version.
example-client-check :link: A testing project of the online video stream demuxing.
example-client-player :link: A testing project of the simple online video stream player.

Source project of mpegCoder (Windows)

The following instructions are used for building the project on Windows with Visual Studio 2019.

  1. Clone the master branch which only contains the codes of mpegCoder:

    git clone --single-branch -b master https://github.com/cainmagi/FFmpeg-Encoder-Decoder-for-Python.git
  2. Download the FFMpeg dependencies, including include and lib. Users could download dependencies manually by checking the release page :link:. However, we recommend users to use the following script to get the dependencies quickly:

    python webtools.py

    This script requires users to install urllib3. The tqdm is also recommended to be installed.

  3. The following configurations should be set for All (both debug and release) and x64. Open the project by MpegCoder.sln. Then configure the following paths of the include directories and the library directories. In both configurations, the first item is required to be modified according to your python path, the second item is required to be modified according to your numpy path.

    Path Screenshot
    includes Configure includes
    libs Configure libs
  4. Modify the linker configs. We only need to change the item python3x.lib according to the python version you have. Configure linker

  5. Run the Release, x64 build. The built file should be saved as x64\Release\mpegCoder.pyd.

  6. The mpegCoder.pyd should be used together with the FFMpeg shared libraries, including:


Update reports

Has been moved to :bookmark_tabs: CHANGELOG.md

Version of currently used FFmpeg library

Current FFMpeg version is 5.0.

Dependency Version