WebcamCircle copied to clipboard
Show your webcam view as a circle above all other windows

Display your webcam video as a floating circle above your other content.
Great for workshop presenters and streamers who want to enhance their screenshare.

📝 Usage
Use your preferred tool e.g. Zoom / MsTeams / YouTube to share your screen and audio
- Make sure to leave your webcam turned off within these apps
Run WebcamCircle
Use the dropdown box to select your preferred webcam
Once you select this webcam, click "Start" and WebcamCircle will show your video as a floating circle above your other content
You can drag-and-drop to move WebcamCircle around your screen
Give a great presentation
⚠️ Limitations
Please make sure WebcamCircle is the only app that is trying to use your web camera at any one time. This means that if you are using MsTeams, then you should turn off your web camera in MsTeams BEFORE starting WebcamCircle.
WebcamCircle has been built and tested on Windows 10 only.
⬇️ Download and Run
Use the link below to download the latest copy of WebcamCircle:
🔍 Key Words
Web Camera / Circle / Overlay / Float / Presentation / Walkthrough / Streaming
👍 Credits and Attributions
- Sindre Sorhus - Electron Boilerplate
- Phil Nash - Code to let user select and connect to webcam
- Alyibel Colmenares - Image used in screenshot
🎨 License
Usage is provided under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full details.