nvim-toggle-terminal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nvim-toggle-terminal copied to clipboard

NeoVim plugin that toggles a terminal buffer in the current window maintaining the same shell instance

Toggle terminal buffer or create new one if there is none. It keeps the shell session between toggles.

You have to set your own key bindings. For example:

nnoremap <silent> <C-z> :ToggleTerminal<Enter>
tnoremap <silent> <C-z> <C-\><C-n>:ToggleTerminal<Enter>


Command Description
:ToggleTerminal Toggles a terminal which is the same shell instance regardless of where it is called
:ToggleTabTerminal Toggles a tab specific terminal instance. It will have a different shell session for each tab
:ToggleWindowTerminal Toggles a window specific terminal instance. It will have a different shell session for each window


Setting Description Default
g:preserve_alternate_buffer Preserve the alternate_buffer of the current window when opening and closing the terminal 1
g:auto_start_insert enter insert mode automatically when given focus. Uses BufEnter event 0
g:open_in_insert_mode start in insert mode when you open the terminal. Uses BufWinEnter event 1


Use your favourite plugin manager. For example, using Plug:

call plug#begin()
Plug 'caenrique/nvim-toggle-terminal'
call plug#end()

Other useful settings

Some extra setting that can be used in conjuction with this plugin for convenience:

Make your life easier by mapping ESC in terminal mode. And if you use fzf, this will not break the ESC behaviour:

tnoremap <expr> <Esc> (&filetype == "fzf") ? "<Esc>" : "<c-\><c-n>"

Use this to switch back and forth between files and terminal without the anoying No write since last change (add ! to override) message with unsaved changes:

set autowriteall

Use nvr to avoid nesting nvim in Terminal buffers. This should go in your .bashrc or similar:

nvim_wrapper() {
  NVIM=`which nvim`
  if test -z $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS; then
      $NVIM $@
    if test -z $@; then
        nvr -l -c new
        nvr -l $@
alias nvim="nvim_wrapper"