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A full customized data view that builds the cells on demand. Focused on Web/Desktop Applications. Bidirectional scroll bars.

  • Ready for a large number of data. Building cells on demand.
  • Focused on Web/Desktop Applications.
  • Bidirectional scroll bars.
  • Resizable.
  • Highly customized.
  • Pinned columns.
  • Multiple sort.
  • Infinite scroll.


  • Get started
  • Model
    • Column
      • Columns fit
      • Stretchable column
      • Column style
      • Pinned column
    • Row
      • Row color
      • Row cursor
      • Row callbacks
      • Row hover listener
      • Infinite scroll
    • Cell
      • Cell style
      • Custom cell widget
      • Cell edit
    • Sort
      • Multiple sort
      • Sort callback
      • Server-side sorting
      • Always sorted
  • Theme
    • Dividers thickness and color
    • Header
      • Hidden header
    • Row
      • Row color
      • Row zebra color
      • Row hover background
      • Row hover foreground
      • Row fill height
    • Scrollbar
      • Scrollbar always visible
    • Cell
      • Null value color
  • Support this project

Get started

  DaviModel<Person>? _model;

  void initState() {

    _model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: [
      Person('Landon', 19),
      Person('Sari', 22),
      Person('Julian', 37),
      Person('Carey', 39),
      Person('Cadu', 43),
      Person('Delmar', 72)
    ], columns: [
      DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
      DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Davi<Person>(_model);



Columns fit

All columns will fit in the available width.

    _model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
      DaviColumn(name: 'Name', grow: 2, stringValue: (row) => row.name),
      DaviColumn(name: 'Age', grow: 1, intValue: (row) => row.age)
    Davi<Person>(_model, columnWidthBehavior: ColumnWidthBehavior.fit);

Stretchable column

The remaining width will be distributed to the columns according to the value of the grow attribute.

    _model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
      DaviColumn(name: 'Name', grow: 1, stringValue: (row) => row.name),
      DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)

Column style

    _model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
      DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
          name: 'Age',
          intValue: (row) => row.age,
          headerTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.blue[900]!),
          headerAlignment: Alignment.center,
          cellAlignment: Alignment.center,
          cellTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.blue[700]!),
          cellBackground: (data) => Colors.blue[50])

Pinned column

    _model = DaviModel(rows: persons, columns: [
          pinStatus: PinStatus.left,
          width: 30,
          cellBuilder: (BuildContext context, DaviRow<Person> row) {
            return InkWell(
                child: const Icon(Icons.edit, size: 16),
                onTap: () => _onEdit(row.data));
      DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
      DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)


Row color

    _model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
      DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
      DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Davi<Person>(_model, rowColor: _rowColor);

  Color? _rowColor(DaviRow<Person> row) {
    if (row.data.age < 20) {
      return Colors.green[50]!;
    } else if (row.data.age > 30 && row.data.age < 50) {
      return Colors.orange[50]!;
    return null;

Row cursor

        data: const DaviThemeData(
            row: RowThemeData(cursorOnTapGesturesOnly: false)),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model,
            rowCursor: (row) =>
                row.data.age < 20 ? SystemMouseCursors.forbidden : null));

Row callbacks

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Davi<Person>(_model,
      onRowTap: (person) => _onRowTap(context, person),
      onRowSecondaryTap: (person) => _onRowSecondaryTap(context, person),
      onRowDoubleTap: (person) => _onRowDoubleTap(context, person));

void _onRowTap(BuildContext context, Person person) {

void _onRowSecondaryTap(BuildContext context, Person person) {

void _onRowDoubleTap(BuildContext context, Person person) {

Row hover listener

  Davi<Person>(_model, onHover: _onHover);

  void _onHover(int? rowIndex) {

Infinite scroll

  DaviModel<Value>? _model;
  bool _loading = false;

  void initState() {
    List<Value> rows = List.generate(30, (index) => Value(index));
    _model = DaviModel<Value>(rows: rows, columns: [
      DaviColumn(name: 'Index', intValue: (row) => row.index),
      DaviColumn(name: 'Random 1', stringValue: (row) => row.random1),
      DaviColumn(name: 'Random 2', stringValue: (row) => row.random2)

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Davi<Value>(_model,
        lastRowWidget: const LoadingWidget(),
        onLastRowWidget: _onLastRowWidget);

  void _onLastRowWidget(bool visible) {
    if (visible && !_loading) {
      setState(() {
        _loading = true;
      Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2), () {
        setState(() {
          _loading = false;
          List<Value> newValues =
              List.generate(15, (index) => Value(_model!.rowsLength + index));


Cell style

    _model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
      DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
          name: 'Age',
          intValue: (row) => row.age,
          cellStyleBuilder: (row) => row.data.age >= 30 && row.data.age < 40
              ? CellStyle(
                  background: Colors.blue[800],
                  alignment: Alignment.center,
                  textStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white))
              : null)

Custom cell widget

    _model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
      DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
          name: 'Rate',
          width: 150,
          cellBuilder: (context, row) => StarsWidget(stars: row.data.stars))

Cell edit

class Person {
  Person(this.name, this.value);

  final String name;
  final int value;

  bool _valid = true;

  bool get valid => _valid;

  String _editable = '';

  String get editable => _editable;

  set editable(String value) {
    _editable = value;
    _valid = _editable.length < 6;

class MainWidgetState extends State<MainWidget> {
  DaviModel<Person>? _model;

  void initState() {
    List<Person> rows = [
      Person('Landon', 1),
      Person('Sari', 0),
      Person('Julian', 2),
      Person('Carey', 4),
      Person('Cadu', 5),
      Person('Delmar', 2)
    _model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: rows, columns: [
      DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
      DaviColumn(name: 'Value', intValue: (row) => row.value),
          name: 'Editable',
          cellBuilder: _buildField,
          cellBackground: (row) => row.data.valid ? null : Colors.red[800])

  Widget _buildField(BuildContext context, DaviRow<Person> row) {
    return TextFormField(
        initialValue: row.data.editable,
        style: TextStyle(color: row.data.valid ? Colors.black : Colors.white),
        onChanged: (value) => _onFieldChange(value, row.data));

  void _onFieldChange(String value, Person person) {
    final wasValid = person.valid;
    person.editable = value;
    if (wasValid != person.valid) {
      setState(() {
        // rebuild

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Davi<Person>(_model);


Multiple sort

        rows: rows,
        columns: [
          DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
          DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age),
              name: 'Weight', width: 120, doubleValue: (row) => row.weight)
        multiSortEnabled: true);

Sort callback

    _model = DaviModel<Person>(
        rows: rows,
        columns: [
          DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
          DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)
        onSort: _onSort);
  void _onSort(List<DaviColumn<Person>> sortedColumns) {

Server-side sorting

Ignoring sorting functions from the model. Simulating the server-side sorting when loading data.

class Person {
  Person(this.name, this.age);

  final String name;
  final int age;

enum ColumnId { name, age }

class MainWidgetState extends State<MainWidget> {
  late DaviModel<Person> _model;
  bool _loading = true;

  void initState() {
    _model = DaviModel<Person>(columns: [
          id: ColumnId.name, name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
      DaviColumn(id: ColumnId.age, name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age)
    ], onSort: _onSort, ignoreDataComparators: true);

  void loadData([DaviSort? sort]) {
    Future<List<Person>>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {
      List<Person> rows = [
        Person('Linda', 33),
        Person('Pamela', 22),
        Person('Steven', 21),
        Person('James', 37),
        Person('Amanda', 43),
        Person('Cadu', 35)
      if (sort != null) {
        final DaviSortDirection direction = sort.direction;
        rows.sort((a, b) {
          switch (sort.columnId) {
            case ColumnId.name:
              return direction == DaviSortDirection.ascending
                  ? a.name.compareTo(b.name)
                  : b.name.compareTo(a.name);
            case ColumnId.age:
              return direction == DaviSortDirection.ascending
                  ? a.age.compareTo(b.age)
                  : b.age.compareTo(a.age);
          return 0;
      return rows;
    }).then((list) {
      if (mounted) {
        setState(() {
          _loading = false;

  void _onSort(List<DaviColumn<Person>> sortedColumns) {
    setState(() {
      _loading = true;
    loadData(sortedColumns.isNotEmpty ? sortedColumns.first.sort : null);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Davi(_model,
        tapToSortEnabled: !_loading,
            _loading ? const Center(child: Text('Loading...')) : null);

Always sorted

Some sortable column will always be sorted.

    _model = DaviModel<Person>(
        rows: rows,
        columns: [
          DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
          DaviColumn(name: 'Age', intValue: (row) => row.age),
              name: 'Weight', width: 120, doubleValue: (row) => row.weight)
        alwaysSorted: true);


Dividers thickness and color

        data: const DaviThemeData(
            columnDividerThickness: 4,
            columnDividerColor: Colors.blue,
            header: HeaderThemeData(columnDividerColor: Colors.purple),
            row: RowThemeData(dividerThickness: 4, dividerColor: Colors.green),
                TableScrollbarThemeData(columnDividerColor: Colors.orange)),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));


        data: DaviThemeData(
            header: HeaderThemeData(
                color: Colors.green[50],
                bottomBorderHeight: 4,
                bottomBorderColor: Colors.blue),
            headerCell: HeaderCellThemeData(
                height: 40,
                alignment: Alignment.center,
                textStyle: const TextStyle(
                    fontStyle: FontStyle.italic,
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                    color: Colors.blue),
                resizeAreaWidth: 10,
                resizeAreaHoverColor: Colors.blue.withOpacity(.5),
                sortIconColors: SortIconColors.all(Colors.green),
                expandableName: false)),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));

Hidden header

        data: const DaviThemeData(header: HeaderThemeData(visible: false)),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));


Theme Row color

        data: DaviThemeData(
            row: RowThemeData(color: (rowIndex) => Colors.green[50])),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));

Row zebra color

            DaviThemeData(row: RowThemeData(color: RowThemeData.zebraColor())),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));

Row hover background

        data: DaviThemeData(
            row: RowThemeData(hoverBackground: (rowIndex) => Colors.blue[50])),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));

Row hover foreground

        data: DaviThemeData(
            row: RowThemeData(
                hoverForeground: (rowIndex) => Colors.blue.withOpacity(.2))),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));

Row fill height

        data: DaviThemeData(
            row: RowThemeData(
                fillHeight: true, color: RowThemeData.zebraColor())),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));


        data: const DaviThemeData(
            scrollbar: TableScrollbarThemeData(
                thickness: 16,
                thumbColor: Colors.black,
                pinnedHorizontalColor: Colors.yellow,
                unpinnedHorizontalColor: Colors.green,
                verticalColor: Colors.blue,
                borderThickness: 8,
                pinnedHorizontalBorderColor: Colors.orange,
                unpinnedHorizontalBorderColor: Colors.purple,
                verticalBorderColor: Colors.pink)),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));

Scrollbar always visible

        data: const DaviThemeData(
            scrollbar: TableScrollbarThemeData(
                horizontalOnlyWhenNeeded: false,
                verticalOnlyWhenNeeded: false)),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));


Null value color

    _model = DaviModel<Person>(rows: [
      Person('Landon', '+321 321-432-543'),
      Person('Sari', '+123 456-789-012'),
      Person('Julian', null),
      Person('Carey', '+111 222-333-444'),
      Person('Cadu', null),
      Person('Delmar', '+22 222-222-222')
    ], columns: [
      DaviColumn(name: 'Name', stringValue: (row) => row.name),
      DaviColumn(name: 'Mobile', width: 150, stringValue: (row) => row.mobile)
        data: DaviThemeData(
            cell: CellThemeData(
                nullValueColor: ((rowIndex, hovered) => Colors.grey[300]))),
        child: Davi<Person>(_model));


  • Collapsed rows
  • Header grouping
  • Row selection
  • Column reorder
  • Cell merge
  • Pinned column on right
  • Filter
  • And everything else, the sky is the limit

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