videojs-thumbnail-sprite icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
videojs-thumbnail-sprite copied to clipboard

Video.js plugin to display preview image of a video at the point of time when hovering on progress bar


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Video.js plugin to display preview image of a video at the point of time when hovering on progress bar

Table of Contents

  • Features
  • Demo
  • Install
    • Prerequisite
  • Usage
    • <script>
    • ES6 Module
    • Options
    • Rules to follow
  • Contribution
  • License


  • Easy to use
    • From a sprite image extract multiple preview thumbnails and simply display them
  • Easy to configure
  • Typescript support
  • Support using multiple sprite images for each sections of video


You can see how it works on the demo site.


# using npm
npm install --save videojs-thumbnail-sprite
# using yarn
yarn add videojs-thumbnail-sprite


videojs-thumbnail-sprite uses Video.js as peer dependencies. To use this module, you should manually install those dependencies in your project.



Just load the module as you want, but you should load video.js module first, so that the plugin can access previously instantiated global videojs module reference.

<script src="//path/to/video.js"></script>
<script src="//path/to/videojs-thumbnail-sprite.js"></script>
  var player = videojs('video-id');

    sprites: [
        url: '',
        start: 0,
        duration: 10,
        interval: 2,
        width: 160,
        height: 90,

ES6 Module

Simple as previous usage. Just import the module as you want, but you should load video.js module first, so that the plugin can access previously instantiated global videojs module reference. Also, **you should import video.js module as a name of videojs, as the plugin will assume the name of imported video.js module as videojs.

import videojs from 'video.js';
import 'videojs-thumbnail-sprite';

const player = videojs('video-id');
  sprites: [
      url: '',
      start: 0,
      duration: 10,
      interval: 2,
      width: 160,
      height: 90,


There is only single property provided currently: sprites

const options = {
  sprites: [
      url: '',
      start: 0,
      duration: 10,
      interval: 2,
      width: 160,
      height: 90,
      url: '',
      start: 10,
      duration: 20,
      interval: 2,
      width: 160,
      height: 90,
Option name Datatype Default value Description
url string '' URL of thumbnail sprite image
start number 0 Start point of time of the video section that this sprite image is covering
duration number 0 Duration of the video section that this sprite image is covering
width number 0 Width of preview thumbnail (px)
height number 0 Height of preview thumbnail (px)
interval number 0 Interval between each preview thumbnails of the video section that this sprite image is covering

You can use multiple sprite images in case that preview thumbnails for entire video is divided into several chunks. Just pass them as array of sprites, and the module will handle it on behalf of you.

Rules to follow

To make things happen preperly, there are some rules to follow:

  1. Each duration of video sections should not overlap each other. For example, if your first sprite image covers [0:00 ~ 10:00] and your second sprite image covers [5:00 ~ 15:00], then there is an overlap between them([5:00 ~ 10:00]). The module will emit warning on browser console if it catches any overlaps.
  2. width and height should be provided for each sprites. If not, even if the images are loaded those will not be displayed as expected.
  3. duration should be multiple of interval. From start point of time, at every interval seconds, the preview thumbnail will be displayed, so to display corresponding preview with hovering time correctly, follow this rule.


Fork the repository, make changes, commit your work, and make Pull Request.


MIT Lisence