Cade Ekblad-Frank

Results 15 comments of Cade Ekblad-Frank

It might be advantageous to extend MLC enable/disable via annotation to include outcomes that mark as success/fail. I could see an annotation along the lines of `markdown-link-check-status: ddos` as a...

I’d say that providing a means to define a “good” link is in the spirit of MLC. There are occasions where it is necessary to redefine good and extending the...

It might be worthwhile investigating the headers that MLC sends with each request. I had a link report "bad" (403) that definitely was not, turns out it was denied by...

The issue was the Accept header was missing from the request completely. A standard `Accept: */*` from MLC would likely do the trick. [MDN Header Reference](

Should have been more clear in my initial comment, I was doubtful the change would make a difference with Cloudflare. Projects of MLC's nature will continually be on the losing...

I'm a proponent of linting and it's something I figured worth bringing up for MLC eventually, but honestly this PR makes me a bit uncomfortable. Without wading into the intention...

I created a stub issue for [discussion of linter frameworks](

The notion with linters is work smarter not harder. JSHint may satisfactorily lint JS (I'd yield to anyone who knows more about JS than I on that), but there are...

I like [Pre-commit]( I use it extensively both personally and professionally. It has a number of things going for it: * **Mature.** It has been around for ages and is...

@nvuillam Probably my biggest concern with Mega-Linter is that you describe it as a hard fork, but the documented plans for the project suggest a full port to python. Ports...